ChibiChibi Shinigami adopted a ChibiJay and ChibiPaige (Orgy band members!) from PixiePlayground! ChibiChibi Shinigami adopted a ChibiJay and ChibiPaige (Orgy band members!) from PixiePlayground!


Last Update : 11 November 2003 : Selphie

Where have all the ff8 fans gone? SERIOUSLY?

I remember WAY back in '99 when ff8 was still known to the gaming world... anyone remember those good old days? Man... my site used to get TONS of traffic... now i'm lucky if anyone actually reads this... hehe... enough of my complaining. For all of you loyal ff8 fans, i'm going to redo this site. I FINALLY have time, and I'm FINALLY out of Jr. Highschool! *jumps up and down* SO! This site will get a more... uhh.. ahahaha... It'll just be bigger, better, and all of that good shit.

UPDATES: Not much.PuPu's saga has been updated and broken links fixed. The Final Fantasy store has more things in it now, but there is still a labeling problem. Many of the CDs stil have the same name. Anyways, there's merch for Final Fantasies I-XI currently. Oi. And I also have a non-videogame+anime music shop here, too (for those very few of you that will be interested). Weapon Upgrades is now finished, so i got something accomplished!

Okay, for the MILLIONTH time people. SEND IN FANFICTION AND FANART! I'll post all of them. Hell, send in comics or just email me saying how sucky this site is . Tell me what I should do (besides shutting it down) to make it better.

Anywayz, I am playing with the Javascript...STILL, and made a couple things, so... yeah.This site REALLY needs new pictures and movies. AND FanFictions AND MOST OF ALL, FANART , so send them in!


Oi. I forgot the biggest part. This site will end up being a FF7/8/9. It's up to Philie-kun to to make the ff10 site. I don't own a PS2, so I cant do that site. I'm stuck with my "crappy" PSX (older than PS1) and i'm not trading it in for anything. Stephen might do a Kingdom Hearts section... I dunno. *sweatdrops*

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Cerberus' Summonig Movie
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