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to Carlissa's Place

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Hi! My name is Carlissa. I live in south  Louisiana. I am 23 years old and my birthday is August 6, 1981. I am the assistant manager for RadioShack (which is a franchise owned by my parents). I have two sisters, Lindsay and Holly. Lindsay is 21 and Holly is 18. I live for my heavenly father - the Lord Jesus Christ! I am currently in the worship team, a Sunday school teacher and nursery worker at my church! I'm still waiting on Mr. Right at this moment! Well that's enough about me...have fun visiting my site!


Pictures of me and my friends

Friends Page

  My Thursday Class

My commercial  


 *NEW* My LiveJournal *NEW*

*NEW* My Photobucket account *NEW*

Leigh Ann's Web Page

Skreyola's website

Cowboy's Website

#christian_singles website

Lindsay's WildFlower Page

RadioShack's Website