Angie's Bunnykins Pics

HOME I finally have the pics up! Guess I'll start with myFrench Lops.
Here's Wasp, a 12 pound giantess of a bunny. She's so big I had to put her on twice!! She's avery sweet bunny (unless she's in a mood hee hee) and she loves to be scratched between those wonderful ears!
Here's Lady Bunnykins! A wonderful solid white French Lop doe. She too, like all my bunnies, is as sweet as can but that sun does make one squint!
Ok I know I'm no photographer, but hey I try. Anyway, on with the show! This here's Lord Wabbit, a solid white French Lop buck. He's still the baby of the bunch, but he getting bigger by the day, and he's the cuddliest of the bunch. I couldn't believe it, but he actually likes being snuggled close for a nice petting.
Now for the Rex's> This is Velvetina, a solid black Standard Rex doe. She's such a wonderful mommy! She has recently adopted a wild baby bunny that my mom rescued from her dog.I'll get pics of the little wild baby soon. Velvetina's taking such good care of it, right along with her own babies.
This is Rex. That's his name and his breed. He's a solid grey Standard Rex buck, and he's such a loving guy. Problem is he loves his owners a little too much. Overly hormonal if you ask me, but I love him. He's daddy to the babies I'm about to show you.
Thes little ones are the babies of Velvetina and Rex. There's three of them and they are all healthy and cute. Boy can they run, for little ones they sure are fast. Just try to pick one up, and it darts away like lightening. These pictures were taken about 2 weeks ago, so the babies are quite a bit bigger now. They're all grey, in various shades. I also have a couple of mixed breed rabbits, but for some reason they didn't wish to have their picture taken, but I'll get them sooner or later.