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Hey! This is my page of good web sites, picture gallories, and most important the four outer sailor scouts!

~*Favorite Web Sites*~

Funny Pictures

Hello Kitty

Rainbow Bright Site

Victoria's Page

~*Related Sites*~

Links and Webrings


Sailor Scouts

Sailormoon CyberCity

Support My Page

Pluto, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

This page I mainly bace it on the outer 4 sailor scouts Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Saturn. These 4 sailors are commenly known as the outsiders.

~~~~*~~~~~*Picture Gallory*~~~~~*~~~~

Sailor Neptune Sailor Uranus

Sailor Saturn Sailor Pluto

Outer Four

Stuff About Me

Chibi Uranus

Sailor Neptune solar blast!

three transforming

View My Moonbook Sign My Moonbook

Hey! This is Katie (stars3503). I'm still working on my site and I will be updating it as much as I can. Please come back!!! E-mail me at!

This site has been up sence the day of

November 24, 1999

~*Katie's SailorMoon Site 2*~

Thank you for visiting my page about the outer four Sailor Scouts. If you could visit my other site dedicated to the inner Sailor Scouts! ^_^

This Crystal Moon Ring site is owned by Katie.

Want to join the Crystal Moon Ring?

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Last updated ~3-4-00~