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It's causing a sensation that I
can't explain, yeah I can't explain.
My heart skips around
when I hear the sound.
I'm never alone cause
you're following me home.
I'm falling in love,
my walkman and me,
with David Bowie.

~ Veruca Salt, 'With David Bowie'

Bowie To Tour Again??!!!

Reports of Bowie making known to BowieNetters of his plans to tour next year have been flooding in... Little Wonderworld has the story...
(October 22, 2001)

Bowie Opens Concert for New York City, Sings Brilliantly

David sings 'America'
On Saturday, October 20, 2001 David Bowie opened up the VH1 Concert for New York City. He began sitting cross-legged on the floor in a spotlight playing a circus theme on a little electronic keyboard. He then went into a rendition of Simon & Garfunkel's 'America'. It was a sweet little bit, and performed wonderfully. Then he gets up, dedicates his next song, and breaks out into an INCREDIBLE version of 'Heroes'. His voice was so brilliantly clear-- he has not sounded this good since the mid-70's I believe. He was hitting notes he hasn't hit since then, and truly 'rocked'. People were standing up and dancing throughout the song, cheering and applauding. At the end (which came far too quickly, in my opinion), I caught some obvious Bowie fans literally bowing to his greatness. He really was incredible, and I suggest that if you haven't heard it, you find some way to do so. The popular opinion is that David Bowie and The Who had the best performances of the night...

Bowie performs 'Heroes'
(October 22, 2001)

Bowie Plays Tibet House Benefit

Bowie with Patti Smith

On Monday, February 26, 2001, David Bowie performed at Carnegie Hall for the Tibet House Benefit Concert. He sang two songs, 'Heroes' and 'Silly Boy Blue'. Also included in the performance was Moby on guitar.
Head on over to the Tibet Pages for more!
I heard it was a smashing performance... how I wish I lived over in New York.
Too bad I'm stuck here in California...
(March 9, 2001)

Happy Birthday David Bowie!

Today marks the 54th year of our dear man's life.
*toots horn*
So pop 'Labyrinth' into the VCR or rock out to some Ziggy in celebration.
(January 8, 2001)

Bowie and the Grammys!

Our favourite spaceboy has been nominated for a Grammy this year!
The category?
Best Male Rock Vocal Performance: 'Thursday's Child'
Congratulations, David.
(January 3, 2001)

'As a medium, [music] should not be questioned,
analyzed, or taken so seriously. I think it should be tarted up,
made into a prositute, a parody of itself.'

~ David Bowie

Hallo Spaceboy News Archive

Oh! You Pretty Thing!:
A David Bowie Photo Gallery

The Bowie -erm- Jones Family Album

Hello! Transcript

Bowie Interviews Bowie

David Bowie Links

'Cause I'd rather stay here
With all the madmen
Than perish with the sadmen roaming free
And I'd rather play here
With all the madmen
For I'm quite content they're all the same
As me

~ David Bowie, 'All The Madmen'

Ahh, to possess Bowie Immortality . . .

To Those Who Despise Bowie . . .

~*~ Why David Bowie is Better Than God ~*~

"If you hear the voice of God in your head, you're crazy.
If you hear Bowie's voice in your head, you're probably crazy,
but at least you've got something to sing along to."

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Rebel Rebels have rocked this way since January 3, 2001

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None of these images truly belong to me, nor any of the music, video clips, etc.
I'm just a poor lil teenager with a fan page. Please, don't sue me.
If you are the person something belongs to, and you don't want me to have it, simply e-mail me at and I will remove it.