If you download the Zsnes emulator, I would suggest that you unzip all the files into the same folder as all of your games. Double-click Zsnes.exe and then load the .smc file for the game you want to play. When the game starts, hit ESC to bring up the menu screen. Go to "Config" and click "Input #1" so you can set what controller buttons you want (I would suggest setting A, B, etc. to be on the left side of the keyboard). Then click "Calibrate" in order to set them. After that, go back under "Config", click "Options", and check the box named "TOGGLED FAST FWD". Hit ESC twice to resume the game. Clicking that box allows you to conveniently put the game in fast forward using the ~ button without having to hold the button down. Push ~ again for normal speed. Push F2 to save your state (save any time, any game), F3 to change save/load blocks, and F4 to load. You will notice as you play the game that there are some graphics problems with the emulator, like the mist in the Mist Cave of FF4. In this case, push 2 to get rid of the mist so you can see. Pushing 1 through 5 varies the visual controls. It's usually pretty easy to fix the graphics problems by experimenting with these numbers. You can set them all back to normal pushing 6.