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Allanah's Page

Hey all. I was a bit bored today coz I have the day off work so I was going to go for a walk but then I remembered this page. This is the first time I have updated it since 1999 when I was 14. Incase you are bad at maths that makes me 18 now. Im in Perth, Australia, now and it is the first day of Spring, its such a lovely day. I’ve been here since the 4th of February and I will be going back to New Zealand at the end of the month. I’m so sad about that, I don’t want to go home but all good things must come to an end.

My Grandparents paid for me to come over here for a holiday as a present for finishing high school, little did they know I intended to stay. The weather was so hot when I got over here, around 40 degC every day, that’s too hot. I found it very hard to sleep at night even with the fans on. I got use to it and was so nice to have hot weather and warm beaches. I spent a lot of time at the beach all year round, it never seemed to get cold.

After a month I decided if I wanted to stay longer I needed to get a job, so that’s what I did. I walked into Coles Supermarket in Subiaco and they gave me a job straight away. Working in a supermarket wasn’t my first choice for a job but I was getting kinda desperate and I hadn’t worked before so I had no experience for any other job. Working as a checkout chick wasn’t too bad at the start and I didn’t mind it, but that soon changed and now I work in the deli.

Once I had saved up enough money I changed my return ticket found a place to stay and then told my Grandparents I was staying for the rest of the year. Well… they didn’t react too good to that. As you might know there was/still is a war going on at the time and John Howard (Australian Prim minister) thought it would be a good idea to get his country involved. The Grand’s kept trying to talk me back into going home coz Australia wasn’t a safe place to be, I just laughed and said like a plain is going to be any safer. The Grand’s quickly got use to the idea coz they realized that I wasn’t going home in a hurry.

I have made heaps of really cool friends and have been going out every night. I’m going to miss them lots when I go home and I will miss the nightlife as well.

Well I’m going to go for a walk now, it’s such a nice day. Feel free to leave a message in my guest book. Have a nice day. I will :)

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