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This page is to give information about Attention Deficit Disorder in Adults.

There are two different types to this disorder.Attention Deficit (inattentive type) 
and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (hyperactive/impusive).

Frankly, I don't understand why they have the two types, because people with either type
can have the same symptoms.

People that have ADD may not have all of these symptoms, and people who have these 
syptoms may not have ADD. That is why you should not use this information to diagnose.  
There are professionals that can help. If your going to seek professional help, try to find
someone who has a lot of experience with ADD. Some doctors don't know anymore about it you 
will at first. (sometimes less)

I just want to inform you about what ADD really is.Some people think it is only a childhood 
problem. It's not! Some think it is only the inability to pay attention. It's not!

The following is a list of symptoms that someone with ADD might experience:



Symptoms of ADD/ADHD

This ADD Ring site is owned by Michelle N..
Email the Master of the ring.

ADD Ring

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