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    The Brain is a very interesting part of our body. This organ is the most important of all organs because without it the body would not be able to function. The Brain is very complex. It controls the entire body. The Brain receives signals through our spinal cord from our body. These signals are then processed and acted upon by the Brain. There are many chemicals in the Brain which help the signals to be processed. Our Brain also stores information and monitors all of the body's functioning systems. The Brain only weighs about 3.3 lbs. However, the size should not fool you in not realizing the multiple tasks it can perform all in seconds. The Brain is made up of many different parts. Parts such as dendrites, synapse,
axons, and neurons are what make up the Brain. These parts relay signals and coded messages to different sections in the Brain. These sections are the Cerebrum, the Cerebellum, the Medulla Oblogota, the Pods Varolii, and the Midbrain. Each section is made up of subsections. For more information on these sections or subsections, click on any section that interests you. 


Sections of the Brain




Medulla  Oblogota

     Pons Varolii


     Chemicals in Brain


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