Questions For Tha Ladies

Remember: E-mail us with your answers along with the question number, your name, age, city, and state. And your picture if u want too.

  1. What if your bestfriend said she saw your boyfriend (who may i add is fine as hell) at the mall hugging another girl. Then when you call your boyfriend trying to front him he says he wasn't hugging any girl. You call your friend on three-way and when you ask her what she saw, she changes her story and says that she thinks she saw him hugging another girl.

    • If my best friend told me that and then she changes her story, I would tell her that she just shouldn`t tell me anything unless she was totally sure of what she saw. And if she got mad at me for telling her that then she would just have to be mad. Because I would not be havin my friend tryen to mess up my relationship. Then I would apologize to my boyfriend.

      I would tell them both "ya'll need to get your story straight. Because someone here is lying, and it's not me." To my boyfriend I would say" Now, if you were only hugging here, then fine, but you better not have been " hugged up" with her. There's nothing wrong w/ huggin, but it BETTER not go no further", and to my friend I would tell her to make sure you know what your talking about because I don't need no drama started, or anyone mad at each other

  2. What if you were the new girl in school and when you first got there none of the girls liked you or paid any attention to you or tried to be your friend. Then you start going with one of the most popular boys at the school and all of a sudden everyone wants to be your friend. What would you do.

  3. You've been going with a boy for 2 years and you just now find out that he has a 3 year old baby by some girl that stayed in another city. He isn't even the one who tells you, his brother is. What would you do?

  4. What if you really liked this boy, who was just so damn fine (he's a Ginuwine or Silkk look-a-like). He is just everything you wanted him to be, he's perfect. He tells you that the only way he'll go with you is if you do it with one of his boys, who just happens to look good also. He says won't nobody, but ya'll 3.

  5. You've been crushing on the fine boy that goes to your church, for a couple of months now. You finally get over him when you start going with the fine brotha that's been checking you out at school. Not knowing you have a boyfriend, your old crush ask you out. What would you do.

  6. What if your boyfriend of 2 years tells you that he can't stand your friends anymore and that you're gonna have to choose between him and your friends.

  7. Would you go with a boy of another race even though your friends and family disaprove?

  8. What if your boyfriend was the star of the basketball team, but he's really stupid. And your kind of smart so he wants you to do his work for him so he can go to practice. He tells you that he really needs you to do this for him because if he fails he'll get kicked off the basketball team. Would you feel like you were just helping him out or that you're just being used?