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K9, finally, found me some pictures for the mug shots! It only took alot of forum posting, and alot of guilt tripping.....before he drug out some photos for me! Ole Bruce here is one of them 'dreaded' cops.......when he ain't trappin !! This coyote was sure skeeeered of him!

K9 without the beard.......hmmmmmm........I think.....with. LOL! Cops look more formidable with a lot of facial hair.......! This is Bruce with his daughters, Kaycee and Jaymee, and a day's catch in 1999. (Bruce, formidable means SCARY - and as one whom you've arrested....I can attest to this personally.........! MsCat)

Another coyote, by the K9 trapper, in 1999. (Bruce, I'm glad to see this picture shows you in a different shirt......I was wondering if that orange one was some special trappin Now, I don't know alot about K9's, as I'm sure you all know! but.....doesn't this one have sort of a "dog" nose ? (J tells me they all have dog noses LOL) Seriously......since I started posting these mug shots, I've looked thru the different kinds of yote pictures, and it's amazing the differences in them.

Bruce, from central Iowa (the one thing he has going for him LOLOL).....and this is a bunch of canines caught in 1995 ! Now, notice.......see the fence over to the left side...see where those 2 boards are unpainted........I promised Bruce I wouldn't mention those.........hahahahahahahahaha! (gotcha!)

This coyote, K9 says, was caught in a walk through set, was one of 3 that was caught in this same set. HEY B2 - see them TREES in the background here? Ranger - see 'em ??? K9 can tell ya, we have BIG trees out here........!

South Dakota red fox.......from 1990.......again by K9 ! He gets around huh? Must have been out on patrol.......just went a little too far that day !

And one last picture from the ole cop.........this is a day's catch in 1998, caught in Iowa. The black yote in front is a rare thing around here ! Bruce.......thanks so much for joining the mug that wasn't too painful was it ?????????? :-)

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