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Green Ranch

This is our first year trapping.  We first decided to trap some fox from
our property to help the small game mostly grouse and pheasants.  We bought
a few traps in Dec of 2000 and quickly found out we knew nothing about
trapping.  After several trappers convention, dozens of videos, Trapperman
and Sullivans forums and bugging Pet Leggett on my way home from work we
can now consider ourselves trappers

A little about the Green-Ranch Trappers
Aaron 10 years old attended the Pa Trapper convention with dad and truly
loves wildlife rather it be fishing, hunting , trapping or just counting
deer on an evening drive.

Andrew 8 years old attended the Md Trapper convention with dad.  Andrew is
the inventor of the hill set which he used to catch gray fox.  More on the
hill set to come.

Andrew watching the pros make a dirt hole set at the Maryland Trapper

Andrew's dirt hole being inspected by Ron Leggett at the Maryland Trapper

Andrew with his first coon caught at the Maryland Trapper Convention.

A typical days catch at the Green-Ranch

Aaron checking out Dads Coyote

Aaron proudly displaying the coyote that was in his trap on our late day.

Just one of the 12  red fox being held in a 1 1/2 offset Sleepy Creek.

One of the 15 grays we caught this year

This is the catch on the day we pulled traps.  A very nice mixed catch.

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