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Bvr75, alias Don, from the forum/chat.....with a nice large beaver! Noticing that 4 wheeler back there, Don......I think one of them would be more helpful to me than my wheelbarrow......hmmmmmmmmm.......LOL!

Don, again, with some really nice beaver pelts!

Bvr75 and a trapping buddy, back from checking traps......with a tailgate full of fur !!

Here are Don's (bvr75) 2 young trappers, Cameron and Melissa ! Hey guys, I really like that several of you have sent pictures with your kids, or of the kids and some fur........any of the rest of you, send me one of your "young trappers!" That's what it's all about, right? Your kids keeping trapping alive............ (MsCat)

Yep, this proves 2 things! Many trappers also love fishing, finding more and more of them! Don caught this nice big salmon in New York! Also proves my beard theory.....trappers grow them in the winter and most of their wives make them shave as soon as the season's over! At least, that's what B2 and Trapr tell me.......same for you Don (bvr75!) ??

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