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(My Furry:) I'm Kapaala the Mayan Bear Freak Extrordinaire. My favorite outfit is a indian skirt-thingy, with a tank-top. Is that freaky or what! I am rather reserved, but I can also be rather exuberant. I am in love with a grizzly named Obie. You will probably see both of us on the ART page.

(Me:) I am usually a happy person. With my friends, I am very outgoing. But, with people I don't know, I can be VERY shy. Saqqara, if you are reading this, it IS true! I am usually very loud. I like to talk. I draw mostly morphic bears, like Kapaala, but I also draw dolphins and morphic dogs/wolves. The bears are my best ones. I often goof around with my drawings, so a lot of them are not very "professional" looking. Don't worry, I won't put those up on the ART page.


