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Welcome To My World

Hello there. Thank you for visiting my page. I hope you enjoy your visit with me.

I am 24 years old and I live in Louisiana. I have a beautiful daughter who is almost three years old and an adorable son who is 9 mos. They take up most of my time. I love my family and enjoy spending time with them.

I like to meet new people. People who are real and fun to be with. I love to listen to music of all kinds, mainly country and NO rap. I enjoy the simple things of life really. My family, the way it feels to feel the rain on my face, the wind in my hair, and having a good time with friends.

I am just really learning how to use computers and I am learning more besides just chatting. Although I enjoy chatting with my friends. I will keep this site updated and I like to change things. So, please come back and see what is new.

Ok, I am tryin to update this. Please bare with me. Hopefully one day I will get it right like I like it. Really and Truly, I don't have much to add right now. I just wanted to see if I could do it. LOL It is another month in 1999. Closer to the new year and century. Man, this year has flown by for me. Life seems like it is a roller coaster for me right now. So many new things to do and so much fredom to taste. I am just not so sure my life is ready for me.

9-3-99 I just thought I should come here and see if there is anything new happenin. Not much in my world has changed. My daughter starts preschool next Tuesday, that means I will have free time on my hands. Just don't know what I am supposed to do with "free time"...LOL. Guess that means I have more time to spend in cyber space. I have met a few new friends in the last couple of weeks in Yahoo chat. Some will stay friends, one is already gone. But I guess that is just the way life goes sometimes.

They say fall weather is supposed to be coming around soon. I don't remeber what the fall feels like. LOL...but I am looking forward to the changing of the leaves on the trees. They do look awesome in the fall.

Oh, If you love country music, check out these songs, please listen to these two songs. I hope you will love them as much as I do. You Had Me From Hello by: Kenny Chesney and Make You Feel My Love by: Garth Books.

Well, I guess I better stop with this update. I feel myself rambling on and on and on...LOL Have a nice day. thanks for lookin me up again.


It has been a long while since I have updated this page. Nothing much has changed really. My son is now 13 months old and he is walkin and talkin. My daughter is bad as I don't think I will update this page anymore for a while. There is alot goin on in my life right now. Home is keepin me busy and sometimes frutstrated.

Please don't forget to sign my guestbook. Have a good day and thanks for comin back. Happy Holidays to all of y'all!


WOW! It has been forever since I have updated my site. Thank you so much for visiting. A bunch has changed, but I am on my way out of the door right this minute. I will update this thing in a few days.

I have a few things to say. I just need to learn how to put my picutre on here. If you wanna see me for now though, look on my yahoo proflie. My yahoo chat name is Raineekisses.

Please sign my guestbook. I promise to update real soon. Have fun today and everyday. Live it like it was your last. :o)


Hello everybody. I know that I haven't updated this site really in quite sometime. There has been so much goin on in my life and so many changes, I didn't really know what to say.

I have so many mixed feelings right now. Mainly about love and trust. I think Love can be so awesome, if it is the real thing. But one question I have, is why does it hurt so bad, and seem to be so confusing? I can't seem to find good enough answers to those questions. I know it is the people you love are the ones that can hurt you. And boy, can they hurt you bad.

Why does it take so long to get over the hurt and anger? I have thought about that one also for a long time. I can't seem to come up with an answer for that one either. I just wonder why some people take love for granted, and others hold it so scacred to their hearts. I once believed that if you were truly in love with somebody, you could move mountains with that love, and they would/could do the same for you. Now, I am not so sure that was reality I was thinking of. I believed that you would grow old together, rocking on your front porch, and expierincing the new expierences that would face you everyday. I guess I was living in a fantasy world. Why did my world come crashing down into thousands of pieces? I can't seem to put it all back together again. I thought I had done that, but my eyes were once again opened to find out that I was again wrong.

I find it hard for me to trust right now. It seems when I get my trust built back up, it is again knocked down. I have NO idea what Loves means anymore, except for the love I have for my wonderful children and my family. BUT...I am sure one day when I am not looking or expecting it to happen, I will be swept off of my feet and carried away into the sunset. Maybe then I will have had time enough to build my trust back, and I will be able to give 200% of my heart.

The only problem is, I want to be able to have the trust right now. I want to be able to give my whole heart right now. I don't know how to make that happen. I don't know how to change the way I feel. I have heard time and time again that it takes time. I guess I need to stop looking for how to change my feelings and begin searching for that patience. LOL

Thank you for looking me up again. I still love to live life and have fun. Just live today like it is your last, and have all the fun and love in your life that you possibly can. I will update this soon. Please don't forget to sign my guest book. And if you do sign in, please leave your email so I can write back to you. If you don't feel comfortable leaving your addy in public, you can leave a private message. I like to write back to those who take the time to sign in my book. Thanks :o)


Well I know it has been a while since I updated my site. Actually I didn't know what I was gonna tell y'all. I still don't really. LOL

My daughter is about to turn 4 years old in October, and my son will be two the same month. Man, they grow and change so fast. If you aren't paying attention to them, they change, and you don't even notice. They are so funny sometimes, and other times, they can push every stress button I have. LOL, but I guess that is half the joy of parenting. I look at them as they are my soul mates. I enjoy everyday I get to spend with them. Is there a such thing as loving your children too much?

I have been living back at home with my parents for about 3-4 months now. Man, is that hard to do again. Sometimes I feel like I am 13 years old again. But at least we do have a place to go, and a dry roof over our heads. I can endure anything I think now. I mean it isn't THAT bad, just takes some getting use to.

Let's see, what else is new with me. Oh, I am job huntin now. I haven't been in the work force for almost 5 years now, I am wayyyy nervous about that, but at the same time excited. I want that independence back. I am ready to jump in the world now with both feet, and no looking back. It is time to start a new life. For me and my babies.

I guess I have a few sad things to talk about...maybe not sad things, but things that have been on my mind lately. Sometimes I wonder if I am too tenderhearted, and open up too much to some people. I want to be soo cold hearted at times, and sometimes I can be. But then sometimes I feel bad for being cold hearted. I dunno, maybe I am just one messed up soul...LOL Or maybe I just need some more life expierence.

I wonder why life has to be sooo dramatic at times, and then other times is so carefree. Just when you think u have everything under control, it explodes right in front of your face. I have learned in the last few months, just to chill out and go with the flow. And TRY not to get overwhelmed by things that are happening. That is a hard lesson to learn, and is still hard to do. BUT, I think I am getting a grip on things...LOL don't wanna say that too loud, and jinx myself...hehehe I just don't want to get so wrapped in the bad things, that I forget to look at the stars at night, or to stop and smell the beautiful flowers, or miss out on the happy things that life has to offer. I think sometimes I pay attention to the little things too much. But that is what makes me smile, and forget about the chaos life has dealt me Or the chaos I have dealt myself.

Hmmm, I think I have just about rattled off at the mouth for too long. One thing I wanted to say is that I hope I have that dreadful music off of this page, lol...and I think I uploaded my pic on here. Well, let's just say I tried to do those things anyway. :o)

Just a few of my favorite songs for this month...LOL

Toby Keith-"You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like That"

Extreme-"More Than Words"


Uncle Kracker-whatever the name to that one is

Brooks and Dunn-"Angel"

Bellamy Brothers-"Redneck Girl"

George Strait-"The Fireman" (I think)

Some of these are older songs, and some aren't. My taste in music varies. I listen to most of it.

Thanks to my friend Otto who helped me get my pic up on here so y'all can see it. HUGGGGGGGS thanks again sweetie :o)

Please sign in, and have a good day. Life is a dance, don't let the music stop on you. :o)


Hello. I know I have needed to do an update for awhile now. I am now working as a dispatcher/deputy at the Sheriff's Department where I live. I really love my job, and I enjoy working again. The only thing is, it takes time away from my children, and that fact I don't like. But, I hope when they get older they will understand why Mommie had to go to work.

I know on this page, I have asked alot of questions, not really expectin an answer from anybody. I think I was just ventin how I felt, and was just writing whatever it was that was on my mind. I have come to realize, that none of those questions really need answers. The answers that I was searching for, really don't matter. I will never get the answers I wanted, therefore, it does no good to look for them. It has taken me awhile to move on from my past, and I am not really sure why that is. I still have a hard time with certain things, but in a lil more time, that will all work itself out. And just when it seems like I can smell the roses again, some bug jumps in there and ruins it. But, I believe that all of this is making me stronger, and it makes me enjoy the good times even more.

I don't want this to seem like there aren't any new good things in my life, because there is. I just don't want to talk about some of them just yet, because I don't wanna jinx things if that makes much sense to y'all. LOL, It does to me. I dunno how to explain it..but good things do come to those who wait, and when things finally start to go your way, don't take advantage of it, remember the bad times, to appreciate the good times. That way, you won't ever forget where you came from.

Also some things that aggravate me is sometimes when people get their lives right, they forget about the friends that where there when they needed them. My friends are what help me get through these rough times, and I want them to be there when I am happy too, so they can share in happiness, and I wanna share in theirs also. I don't guess that makes much sense either. Maybe I am beginning to ramble.

There are a few more things I could say right now, but I need to wash clothes for work, and take a bath, and stuff like that to get ready for work.

Thanks for coming back y'all. And I miss all my friends I haven't had much time to spend with. Keep smiling, and pay attention to your babies, they have alot to tell you, just in the way they smile. I will finish updatin soon.


Today was a cold and grey day outside. The beauty of the puffy clouds outside was breath taking. I love the sky in the winter time. It is so beautiful.

I sit sometimes and just wonder what happens, and why the reason for each individual thing. I know they say everything happens for a reason, and I believe that, but just every once in a while, I would like to know what the reason is for some of the things that happen in my life. Why do certain people walk in your life, and then just as fast as they walk in, they are gone.

When I make friends, I like them to be friends for life. And when I love my friends, I love them with all I have. When I lose touch, I lose a piece of my heart with that person. Maybe that is my downfall. But that is the only way I know how to be. ALL or NOTHING. Hmmm, I think I should just not try so hard, and maybe it will be easier. Maybe I am thinking ahead, or maybe....I am just confused. LOL Actually I don't know why I wrote that...I just thought about it, so it was typed out. I guess I am having a don't make much sense day today. LOL :o)

Work is going good. I really love my job alot. And I really like the people I work with. My babies are they grow too fast. I wonder what they will be as adults, and what they will like, and dislike. BUT, that I try not to think about too much, because I don't want them to grow up too fast. I don't guess I have control over that though...LOL I just hope that I am doing the best for them, and they are happy children...they mean so much to me, and I love them more with every breath I breathe.

I am done for now. I have to get the lil monsters in the bed. I guess what I am trying to say is that if somebody is special to you....friends or otherwise, just make sure you let them know no matter what it takes. Hug them and tell them that you love them, cause you don't know how many more times you will be able to tell them that. :o)


I know it has been a LONGGG time since I updated this page, but I haven't been around a puter lately. There is alot of latest news in my life right now. I won't put all of it on here, but I will do some.

I FINALLY got my divorce. I didn't wait on him, so I did it myself. The feeling is like the same feeling you have on your wedding day, but more of a relief! For me, it feels AWESOME!!!!!

I am still working at the same job, but now I have joined one of the local fire departments and I have completed my first responders class. I like doing that. I have found out in the last few months how stressful a job can be. Here lately, it is crazy work for police and the department. But, I guess that's when you say, it is all in a day's work....LOL

I also found out that there is happiness in life for everybody whether you are single, married, or dating somebody. Because if you will pay attention, happiness comes from inside the heart and soul, not from who you are with or aren't with. And I believe happiness is a choice that you is too short to be miserable. At least my life is way too short for misery!

Thanks for comin back and for signin in. I love to read the messages. Love y'all! :o)


Well, it is a new year, and it has taken me long enough to update this page. I need to do better with that, I know. :o(

I seem to find different things to keep myself too busy to get online all the time now. I miss being online alot, but at the same time, I am glad I have other things to do to occupy my time. I don't feel as though I am missing out on life.

I really don't have that much to say today. I have met a wonderful man who stole my heart. I thought I would NEVER find somebody to make me feel the way I do, and when I thought that, that's when it happened. So I guess the saying "Never say Never" is right. But, at the same time it is hard to open up your heart, I guess sometimes that happens when you don't even notice you have done that. I think your guard is down, and you never even realized it. I know now the difference that people can truly make in your life. I know now alot of differences in life. If I sat here and typed all of them, you would really say my page is too long and boring. LOL

Well, I am gonna update this when I have more to say and more to bore you with. I appreiciate you coming back to visit. I hope you have a nice day and everything in your life is going wonderful. Just remember to live each day as your last and to share your smile with everybody you see.


I just wanted to update my page right quick while I was thinking about it. I got married last weekend, something I thought I would never ever do again, and I did it.

I am really happy with this wonderful man in my life, and I hope we stay like this forever. I have learned to NEVER say NEVER ever again. But, I have also learned how wonderful life can be. I really believe that life is what you make it out to be.

I don't have much time right now, but I wanted to do a quick update on what all is going on in life here. I still work at the same place, and I am still on the fire department.

If you came back to visit me, I hope you like the update and please sign my book. I hope you have a good day. :o)


Man, I almost forgot about my web page, and I know that is horrible. I Have just been really busy.

My daughter is in kindergarten and already doing first grade work, and she is really excited with school. My son is in pre-school doing really good. I can't believe how fast they grow. It seems like next week they will be going to prom or something. But deep inside they are still babies, and will always be that to me.

I am still working at the same place, doing the same thing, and having fun. It is kind of odd when you look back on your life and see where you are now, and it is totally different. I think it is kind of cool. I have to say that I think I am very happy with the way my life has turned out.

I wish I had more to say, but right now I can't think of anything. I recently hurt my back, and I am not use to being laid up with nothing to do. It is driving me crazy. I am ready to go back to work and get back into the normal swing of things.

I can say that I have been making alot of blankets...I like to crochet, and I have plenty of time to do that right now. SO, I am keeping warm....LOL

I will update this around closer to Christmas time when I have more things to say. Some things that I think about, I often don't put up here, because a certain somebody said that when I was putting my feelings on my own website, that that person was feeling like I was talking about them. I really don't care what you think anymore, and you should know exactly who I am talking about. If you don't like what I have to say on this site, then don't visit it. My life doesn't revolve around you. By the way, have a nice day. :o)

Sorry to be so rude, but I thought I needed to put that up there. I do feel better now that I got that out and in the open and off of my chest. Whew!! Y'all have a nice day, and I will update more often like I am suppose to. And thanks for coming back and visiting and signing my book.


Life is so neat. Life is so hard. Life is so cool. Life is so mean. Life is so awesome. Life is so cruel. I guess that's why they say life is what you make it.

I have made up a new quote that I like, and it goes something like this..."Your spirit is floating in the wind, all you have to do is capture it without letting the air out." Whatcha think?

Things happen so quickly, sometimes before you know what is going on or what is about to happen. If you don't stay focused, you will lose out on a lot in life, a lot that you could have had and weren't paying close enough attention to get. Make sure that the loved ones in your life know how you feel no matter how they feel about you.

One of the girls at work is having a really hard time with her father. He won't speak to her and hasn't in 2 years. I can't imagine how that feels to lose touch with your Father. Me and my father are very close. I don't know what I would do without him. I can't imagine not talking to him everyday. I thank him for always letting me be my own person, and letting me learn about life by expierence. I thank him for being the best Father in the entire world. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be who I am today.

I don't know why I am getting so mushy right now, there are just a lot of things on my mind.

Have you ever had a friend that meant so much to you and come to find out you never knew it? Just because you feel a certain way about somebody, don't take it for granted that they feel the same way about you. I got an email the other day named, "The kid named Kyle." It taught me a lot about relationships, and taking things for granted. Make sure that you always know where you stand with all of your relationships, marriages, friendships, children, parents, work partners,siblings, everybody. There shouldn't be anything left unsaid at the end of your day.

I am not sad or depressed, just heaviness on my mind. It seems ever since the war broke out, there are bunches of emails going out and around that are very heavy. They talk about what if, and what now, and what would you do if....things like that. I just hope that in my own life I don't left much unsaid or undone. I want all that matter to me to know it.

I don't think there has ever been a person that I have spent more than 3 hours with that hasn't effected my life in some way. Some weren't always good. Maybe I am too tenderhearted deep down, I don't know.

I know that I have said this earlier, but I love being married this time. My husband is teaching me what love is really like. I hope he never feels taken for granted. He is the most wonderful man. I am so glad that God brought us together. I had NO idea what it was supposed to be like. I finally feel as though I have found my soul mate. I think I am really blessed, because I have three soul mates that I get to share my life with daily, my daughter, my son, and my husband.

I really hope that you have a good day, be safe, and it's ok to let the rain fall down on your face, take a deep breath and let it go!


Today is Saturday. I guess I don't update every month on here, because then it will get really boring, or worse than it already I don't want that to happen.

Things are crazy at times, and the world is changing so fast. Sometimes, the little things that we think are problems in our own lives, compared to the rest of the world, are NOTHING. But in a sense, to us, they mean the world. Now, you tell me if that makes much sense to you.

I would have to say though, that right now, life is pretty good. The kids are healthy and very active and doing fine. They are awaiting the start of school this year. I think they get so excited about going back to school is because they are still a bit young, so for the first month, it is exciting for them. But, as we all know, that excitement, doesn't last too long.

Work is CRAZY! But, what I do for a living, there is NEVER a boring day, and we never having "NOTHING" to do either. It is kind of cool to never know what is going to happen when you walk in the doors, and the atmosphere can and does change at any given moment in the day,hour, or and second. At the same time though, it is really easy to get burned out working there. One thing though, it isn't just what I do, it has to become part of who I am.

My marriage is going great. He has been sick with migraines. They found an inflamed blood vessel on his brain, and we don't know yet if it requires medicine or surgery. We tried to get in to see the neurologist, but the waiting list for those doctors are UN HEARD OF!!! We won't get in until the end of August, that is unless somebody cancels their appointment. As of right now though, they have found a medicine that makes the headaches somewhat bareable for him, so he can go back to work. He has been through a pretty rough time the last few weeks. I will be glad when he is feeling all the way better, and back to normal.

I got a new kitten. He is cold black, and his name is Spade. He is very active, and loves to sleep all day and play all night long. The cat that I already had, her name is Clara. She was named by my daughter after the movie, "Barbie and The Nutcracker." Clara didn't like the new baby for about a week, but now, they do fine. They play together and get into stuff like children. I am not sure they know they are cats yet. She is about 14 months old now. Spade is a boy for now, but as soon as he makes 5 months old, he too will be an "IT". I hate putting my pets through surgery, but I do agree with this one. I don't need anymore kitties running around the house....LOL.

Well, that is about it for now. The rest of my family is doing fine, and all of my friends are healthy. I don't have anything right now that I need to write about or that would be really interesting.

Have a wonderful evening tonight, and the sweetest dreams imaginable!!!!

p.s. don't forget to sign my guestbook on the way out.


Wow, I have had this site for a long time. Too long I am now 29 years old as of a couple of weeks ago. Everybody keeps asking me if I am scared about turning 30. I don't think I am. It is only another number. I keep changing numbers every year, why should this one be any different? If you know that reason, let me know so I can be prepared. :o)

I have had a real face with reality lately though. I don't think it has anything to do with age. One of my close close friends passed away on 12-21-03. He was a volunteer fire fighter, a reserve police officer, and he rode with our EMS service in our area.

I was the last one to talk to him on his way to a medical call that morning, and a few minutes later we got a call advising of a bad wreck on the road where we live, and I didn't know until several minutes later that it was him. He gave his life and his last breath going to try and save another life. That is something he loved doing. I know that. It is still very hard to let go. I am not ready to let go. I have known him since I was about 15 years still doesn't seem real.

This just shows me more that you have to really live life to the fullest everyday. Do not go to sleep with any regrets of your actions of that day, and for God's sake, please let everybody that you love, know it before you close your eyes.

Other than that, everything here is pretty normal. My kids are doing WONDERFUL. My daughter is in 1st grade doing mostly 2nd grade work. She just got glasses about a month or so ago, and she loves them. She has made amazing improvements with her school work since she got them. My son is in kindergarten. He loves going to school very much right now. I know it will not be like that forever, but for now, I think it is cute. He has learned all of his letters and is now drawing and writing them EVERYWHERE. They are both losing teeth right now, and the tooth fairy is just about broke until taxes come back...LMAO! I can not believe that they have grown this much.

My husband got a new job in a local Paper Mill down here. He loves it. His schedule has changed, but he says it is all worth it. I am happy for him with that. It is something that he has wanted for a long time. I guess it is right when they say if you really want something, do not give up until you get it. He is doing better with his headaches. They have been able to fix them with medicine. His brain made too much ceberal fluid and the medicine regulates the fluid, and he hasn't had a migraine in 3 months now.

I however, am in the process of job hunting. I think I have had enough law enforcement for a while. I don't know yet. Part of me wants to quit, but then I think I am really addicted and will not be able to quit. We shall see what happens I suppose.

oh yea, my kitten Spade, well he didn't make it here. He got out of the house on about the 20th occasion, and he went to try out that green grass down the road somewhere. Now, we have Alex. He was a boy, but he just had surgery too, and now he is an "It". He is black and white...very beautiful I think. I do not want anymore cats for a while. I think I have enough. I have one husband, 2 kids, 2 cats, and 4 fish....that is too much??? huh?? LOL

Well, that about sums it all up. There is the update on my boring little precious life. I hope you are doing good and finding happiness.

I want to say hello to all of those that keep coming back. I just wish I had something more exciting to say and tell you. Thank you all for signing my guestbook. Hope all of you had a wonderful holiday season, and that this year brings so much happiness and good things to you that you can't stand it.

Later Taters :o)

Some new music I am interested in lately:

Three Doors Down......... Here Without You

Three Doors Down......... Love Me While I'm Gone

Matchbox 20 ............. All of their music

Kenny Chesney ........... No shoes

Garth Brooks ............ I am just addicted

Baby's................... Change

unknown at this time..... Almost home.... (I can't remember that guy's name to save my life)

If I sat here and named all of my favorite songs, I would have to do another web site just with that information on it and NOTHING else. I think I am addicted to music. It has been that way my whole life. Thank God, that you can NOT hear me sing. I could probably wipe out an entire city that way....LOL

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