The Artist . . .

Kirsten Allen is a self-taught portrait artist who specializes in acrylic ,airbrush, pastel, and pencils. For over twenty years she has been showing her art and accepting commissions from clients. Her portraits hang in public and private collections in many communities in the southcentral part of the country. Her ability to capture the likeness and personality of her subjects have made her work popular.

The artist is well-known for her natural talent in seeing the inner beauty of her subjects, with an ability to express their moods in realistic detail in her art. This ability to capture the personality of the person or animal from only a photo is the true essence of her gift. Kirsten's childhood passion for drawing and painting has continued to hold her interest. Lately, however, she has added a new dimension to her career. With computer technology she has combined the traditional tools with computer graphics and web design. She also does free lance, tutoring , and troubleshooting, and volunteers her services to her local school and community.

Kirsten is able to accurately and realistically portray your loved ones or pets, as well as horses and other large animals. Give her some information and She'll give you a price Click Here