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HyeLena's Homepage!

I'd like to thank the Lord for bringing this great group together. I'm glad we all were able to take time from our daily routines to get away from the city and go out to the woods for some worshiping, singing and praising to the Lord!

"God is so good...He's so good to me!"

If you'd like any of these pics, just E-mail me and I can make a duplicate for you!

Note: Pictures look better on paper than on the screen. Ohh and another thing! Be patient while these pictures load up! I'm not a professional webmaster! If you have any tips, PLEASE let me know!

CAMP AREV II - October 13th-15th
The first night together: Stella, Lena, Faith and Maria! Watch out for the overhead cord!

Day 2: Good Morning Campers! Breakfast time! A special thanks out to our great cooks! Thank You!

Day 2: Some more campers eating!

Day 2: You guys, look @ the camera next time!

Day 2: Lena and Faith! While taking a nature walk we decided to stop for a self-timer picture!

Day 2: A group of campers stopping for a pic!

Night 2: Mary singing and praising the LORD!

Night 2: Check out those flames! Whoever made that fire did a great job to keep us warm! (Look @ pic sideways!)

Night 2: Who wants smores?!? I do, I do! Vako, KoKo, & Lena showing the gang how it's done! Yummy!

Night 2: Do we look tired or what? We are! (Armine, Stella, Talar, Maria, Faith & Lena!) A special thanks goes out to Clara for telling me Talar's name! Sorry Talar!

Day 3: Armine (aka Amy) & Lena swinging away! Nice photography work Jack!

More pictures to come! Stay tuned!

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