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The Power of God

Have you ever been down and out and nobody
seems to be around for you to talk to...
THAT'S GOD...he wants you to talk to him.

Have you ever been just sitting there and all
of a sudden you feel like doing something
nice for someone you care for...THAT'S
GOD...he talks to you through the Holy Spirit.

Have you ever been thinking about somebody that
you haven't seen in a long time and then
next thing you know you see them or
receive a phone call from them...THAT'S
GOD...there is no such thing as "coincidence."

Have you ever received something wonderful
that you didn't even ask for, like money
in the mail, a debt that had mysteriously
been cleared, or a coupon to a department
store where you had just seen something you
wanted, but couldn't afford...THAT'S GOD..
he knows the desires of your heart...

Have you ever been in a situation and you had
no clue how it is going to get better,
but now you look back on it..THAT'S GOD
he passes us through tribulation to see a
brighter day...


Please pass this along and share the Power of God..
In all that we do, we should totally give
HIM thanks and our blessings will continue
to multiply.

Thought you would enjoy this one. I did!!

Most of All....Be Happy!

Always see the goodness in this world,
do your part in helping those less fortunate,

walk hand in hand with those of less talent,
follow those of more knowledge,

and be and equal with those who are different.

Find your special purpose in this world
so full of choices and help lead those who stray.
Become your own individual--set yourself
apart from those who are the same.

Have the self-confidence to say no when necessary
and the strength to stand alone.
Give yourself the approval to love
and respect everything that you are and will become.

Reap the fruits of your talents,
walk with pride down the road of life,
be humble in your successes,
and share in the praises and joy of others.

Most of all, be happy.
For when you are happy,
you have the key that will open all
of the world's doors to you.

--Jackie Olson

Today, we share words and beginnings, hopes and songs,
expectations for the future--built from yesterday,
built from now.

watercolors and rainbows,
impressions and soft scenes,
a tapestry of feelings--
weaved from memories,
weaved from dreams.

--Albert M. Ward

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my guestbook!

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