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Becoming Wise


Father, in the name of Jesus, I receive Your
Words and treasure up Your comandments
within me. I make my ear attentive to
skillful and godly wisdom. I incline
and direct my heart and mind to understanding.
I seek for wisdom as for silver, and I
search for skillful and godly wisdom as
for hidden treasures.

Then, I will understand the reverent and
worshipful fear of You, Lord, and will find
the knowledge of You--my omniscient God.
Then, I will understand righteousness, justice,
and fair dealing [in every area and relation];
yes, I will understand every good path.
For skillful and godly wisdom shall enter
into my heart, and knowledge shall be
pleasant to me. Discretion shall watch
over me, and understanding shall keep me
to deliver me from evil and from evil people.

In Jesus' name, amen.

Scripture References

Proverbs 2:1-5

Proverbs 2:9-12


Father, in all my ways, I acknowledge
You, and You shall direct my paths.

You, Lord, by skillful and godly wisdom
founded the earth; by understanding You
established the heavens. It was in Christ
that all things were created, in heaven
and on earth things seen and things unseen,
whether thrones, dominions, rulers, or
authorites; all things were created and
exist through Him [by His Service, intervention]
and in and for Him.

In the name of Jesus, I keep sound godly
wisdom and discretion, and they are life
to my inner self, and a gracious ornament
to my neck (my outer self). I walk in
my way securely and confident trust that
I shall not dash my foot or stumble.
For You give Your angels [especial] charge
over me to accompany and defend and preserve
me in all my ways [of obedience and
service]. They bear me up on their
hands, lest I dash my foot against a stone.

Father, I walk uprightly, I walk securely,
for I would not take a crooked way--then
I would be found out and punished. When
I lie down, I shall not be afraid; yes,
I shall lie down, and my sleep shall
be sweet. I am not afraid of sudden
terror and panic, nor of the stormy
blast or the storm and ruin of the
wicked when it comes [for I will be
guiltless]. In Christ I have my
redemption through His blood.

You, Lord are my confidence, firm and
strong, and shall keep my foot from
being caught [in a trap or some
hidden danger].
Jesus is made unto me wisdom. Wisdom
from You, Lord, makes prudence her
dwelling, and finds out knowledge and
discretion. Because I have Your wisdom,I
I reverently fear and worship You, hating
evil, pride, arrogance, the evil way,
and perverted and twisted speech. Your
wisdom within me gives me counsel and
and sound knowledge, understanding, and
and might and power.

I make it my quest in life to seek (aim at and
strive after) first of all Your Kingdom
and Your righteousness (Your way of
doing and being right).

In the name of Jesus, amen.

Written By:
Germaine Griffin Copeland

Scripture Reference

Proverbs 3:6

Matthew 6:33

I Corinthians 1:30

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