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Asa Foster

Asa Foster, undoubtedly the youngest child born to Philemon Foster and Sarah Hickman Foster, was born in Hancock County, Georgia. Census records provide us that his birth was between 1810 and 1813. The first record of Asa is his father's will, dated 1816. Asa is the last son listed in the will, therefore presumably the youngest. His father died that year and Sarah Hickman Foster was left to raise the children alone. 1820 GA Census shows that Sarah Foster was living in Hancock Co., most of her children still at home. Asa is listed on that census and is believed to be the one sons under the age of 10.

Sarah Foster's children began marrying in Jasper Co. GA in 1824, making us assume that she had moved her family to that area before 1824 and after 1820. However, Sarah is not listed on any 1830 censuses and no trace of her is found after the move. Presuming she had passed away, Asa Foster, now about 17 to 20 years old, either lived alone or with a brother. He is not listed on the 1830 Census, therefore he is probably living with somebody.

Asa married 19 February 1833 in Jasper Co. GA. His bride was Sarah Hyde, the daughter of Samuel Hyde and Caty Gibson. Sarah was born about 1814, probably in Warren Co. GA. Asa and Sarah remained in Georgia for only a short period of time. By 1840 the Asa Foster family, Hyde family and several other families are in Winston Co. Mississippi.

Asa is listed as living next door to his father-in-law in 1840. That census record is as follows:
1 male 5 - 10
1 male 20-30
2 females under 5
1 female 20 - 30
5 slaves

Samuel Hyde, his father-in-law, is known to have been a large plantation owner. In 1850, Asa is listed as an overseer, probably an overseer of his father-in-law's plantation.

Not much change came for the family between 1840 and 1850. Children were born, but it would be until about 1854 that a major change came about. Sarah Hyde Foster died. Left alone to raise young children, Asa Foster remarried in 1856. His new wife was the young Martha Jane Jinks. She was born about 1838 there in Mississippi and was a daughter of Adam Jinks.

Asa Foster is listed on the 1860 MS Census, but after that he is no longer mentioned on any other records. It can be assumed that he died because Martha Jinks Foster was married a second time to James Moore. She died sometime after 1900.

Children of Asa Foster:
1. Anderson Clarke Foster - born 8 January 1834 Jasper Co. GA; died 28 May 1896 Winston Co. MS; married (1) 16 March 1854 Noxubee Co. MS to Lucinda Nivens (2) 30 December 1868 Winston Co. MS to Elizabeth Castalars (12 December 1845 MS - 24 March 1900 Winston Co. MS). Their children are as follows: J. B. Foster - born ca 1856 Winston Co. MS; Sarah C. "Callie" Foster - born ca 1869 Winston Co. MS; Mary Foster - born November 1870 Winston Co. MS; Prentiss Foster - born January 1879 Winston Co. MS; Joseph Foster - born May 1881 Winston Co. MS; and Kittie Foster - born February 1885 Winston Co. MS

2. Nancy Foster - born ca 1835 Jasper Co. GA

3. Epsa Catherine Foster - born ca 1838 Winston Co. MS; married 13 December 1855 Winston Co. MS to Minton J. Jinks, son of Adam Jinks. Originally thought is that Minton was the father of her children, however more recent investigations have proven otherwise. The 1870 Census of McNairy County, Tennessee shows that Epsa Jinks is living with her father-in-law Adam Jinks. However, the 1880 Census of McNairy County shows her living with the same man, only she is listed as "wife" and her daughters are listed as his children. Now my belief is that Epsa first married Minton J. Jinks, son of Adam Jinks. Minton died, or at least the marriage ended, and she remarried to his father Adam Jinks. Her children are as follows: Nancy E. Jinks - born ca. 1861 MS; Rosannah Jinks - born ca. 1866 TN; Julie Catherine Jinks - born 7 April 1865 (census: ca 1869) TN; died 31 October 1951 Tahlequah, OK; married (1) 16 September 1885 St. Francis Co. AR to J. J. Payne (2) 17 August 1888 Forest City, AR to John Proctor (3) 10 April 1896 Benton Co. AR to Reuben Russell Green; and Sally Jinks - born 1873 TN

4. Samuel Foster - born ca 1841 Winston Co. MS

5. John Wesley Foster ... For more on John Wesley click here

6. David P. Foster - born ca 1848 Winston Co. MS; married (1) Nancy C. Whitten - mother of children (2) Laura Elizabeth Hill ... David's children are as follows: William Aulse Foster - born ca 1871 Winston Co. MS; Carrie Foster - born ca 1873 Winston Co. MS; Lenorah Foster - born ca 1875 Winston Co. MS; Ollie Foster - born 28 November 1877 Castor, LA, died 18 June 1956 East Point, Red River Par. LA, married 24 January 1904 Bienville Par. LA to Daisy Elizabeth Stewart; Lou Ella Foster - born ca 1880 Castor, LA; David P. Foster, Jr.; and Effie Foster

7. William Allen "Billy" Foster - born ca 1852 Winston Co. MS; married Patience Taylor ... Their children are as follows: Rufus K. Foster - born January 1875 Winston Co. MS, married Willie E.; Phineas J. Foster - born November 1877 Winston Co. MS; Asa Foster - born and died 1881 Winston Co. MS; George T. Foster - born May 1883 Winston Co. MS; Florence E. Foster - born December 1885 Winston Co. MS; John W. Foster - born May 1888 Winston Co. MS; married Nellie; Anna B. Foster - born September 1890 Winston Co. MS; and William Plumer Foster - born June 1893 Winston Co. MS

8. Ruben James Foster - born 22 July 1857 (or 58) Winston Co. MS and died 23 Apr 1939 Winston Co. MS; married 1st 26 Dec 1878 Winston Co. MS to Araminta Miles (21 Sep 1857 Winston Co. - 2 Aug 1886 Winston Co.) - mother of his children: Thomas Jefferson Foster - born 19 Aug 1879 Winston Co. MS, died 13 June 1941 Vicksburg, Warren Co. MS, married Wade Vininy Liddell 10 Dec 1899 Winston Co.; Martha Foster - born 16 Aug 1880, died 23 Aug 1881; Mary Foster - born May 1882 Winston Co. MS; Walter A. Foster - born 11 January 1884 Winston Co. MS; died 7 December 1945 Winston Co. MS; married (1) Amozine ... (2) Eula May ...; Josefeny Foster - born 3 Dec 1885, died 10 Mar 1886; and Ruben Foster - born ca 1888 Winston Co. MS. Ruben Foster married 2nd 23 April 1887 Winston Co. MS to Martha Elizabeth Shields (15 Apr 1848 - 17 Mar 1931).

9. Thomas Sylvester Foster - born 24 March 1860 Winston Co. MS; died 1 November 1950 Philadelphia, Neshoba Co. MS; married Josephine Sullivan, daughter of Rufus Sullivan and Delilah Jane Eaves; born 3 October 1865 Winston Co. MS; died 27 January 1952 Philadelphia, MS ... Their children are: Alma L. Foster - born February 1884 Winston Co. MS, married Alvin J. Whitehead; Gussie (or Jesse) P. Foster - born September 1887 Winston Co. MS; Urban Amilton Foster - born 24 Nov 1888 Winston Co. MS, died 26 Aug 1980, married Alice Cockrell; Maybel V. Foster - born August 1890 Winston Co. MS; Martha E. Foster - born November 1893 Winston Co. MS; Eural Z. Foster - born February 1896 Winston Co. MS; Lillian Viola Foster - born 30 September 1898 Winston Co. MS, died 3 September 1976 Philadelphia, MS, married Mr. Allen; Bessye Corrine Foster - born 1 April 1901 Winston Co. MS, died 2 July 1983 Philadelphia, MS, never married; Infant Foster - born and died 28 January 1906 Winston Co. MS; and Roy Z. Foster - born 23 October1907 Winston Co. MS; died 3 August 1916 Winston Co. MS

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