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The Non-Rant Page

OK, this is just a page. No rants here, because I don't like rants. Rants bother me so I'm not going to have them here. No sir, no rants at all. Some poetry and writings and stuff, but no rants. Because I don't like rants. So this is my non-rant page because there are no rants, not a rants at all.

May 6, 2001

Mares eat oats and does eat oats and little lambs eat ivy. A kid'll eat ivy too. Wouldn't you?

May 1, 2001

Susan here. We're both thoroughly bored with just sitting around, so he's taking a shower while I type this. To what end? Who knows? I wonder if anyone ever bothers to check his page anymore......or if anyone else knows all his passwords. Moohahahaha.....and check out the Mr. T at the bottom of the page. He's dreamy....

April 28, 2001

Wow, it's been over a year since I bothered to even claim I was going to update. What a fucking slacker I am. Hmm. A lot of stuff happened. But due to cut backs by the fat cats in our government and a change over to communism in whatever state this is, I'm forced to use this space praising the eternal memory of Stalin and dance a jig in honor of the eventual destruction of capitalism. DAMN YOU AND YOUR JIG CLAUSE GEORGE W.!!!

Get back to my main page sucka!