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DarkHeart's Den!!

Welcome To DarkHeart's Den!! A holy shrine to all the things I hold dear in this world. Within the hallowed walls of this most inner of inner sanctums you will find motor racing in its many shapes and forms (well, two really, but who's counting? You are? Fair do's..), the endless possibilities of the world of music (but only the bits I like), ravings from the deranged, nightmarish swirlings of my own fiendish brain (me bitching about stuff), a shrine to Godzilla, King Of The Monsters, the world of cinema entertainment as viewed through my badly short-sighted eyes, and a page full of weird stuff from around the world. If you've arrived here through random surfing, then you have my condolences. If you've been directed here through the official Bi-Girl website, then welcome one and all. Vaya con dios, amigos, and let the party commence! DarkHeart XXX

Other pages!!

Check out my links page
The shrine to the almighty Green One
Info on my favourite bands
Racing fans check here!
Go cruising for some ladies
Vent some spleen with the angst page
To find out a little bit about me, try here..
So what are the best movies of all time?
Find out about some of todays hottest new bands
DarkHeart's World Of Music
Or For Some Downright Odd Stuff..
The Holy Temple Of Kung Fu

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