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Zachary High School Band Program

Home Page


Updated last:May 10, 2001

Last falls leadership: Mrs. Hebert, Markus, and John conduct the National Anthem.

ZHS welcomes our new director, Mr. Jason Venable (ZHS grad)

News & Announcments


"BLEACHERS 2000": Help cover construction cost of bleachers for the band (Belles, Band, Flags, Majorettes) to be located in the football field south end zone. Make a donation of $25 or more (honor a member or former member) & be listed on a plaque displayed near the bleachers. Contact ZHS Band Booster Association.

BOOSTERS: Return your recipes submissions for the ZHS Band Cookbook A.S.A.P. Book sales (available for Christmas) will help our effort in raising funds for the band bleachers.

VIDEO: "1999-2000 BAND YEAR in RETROSPECT" $12 - 2 tape set (2+ hours). This ‘scrapbook’ of video and 300+ pictures set to music from 25 contributors. Order NOW (yellow form) or call ZHS Band Department, Mr. Jason Venable, director. Make checks payable to Bronco Band Boosters Association. (Thousands of hours spent in assembly, editing & production has been given as a love donation by Jim, Nelda & Alicia Davis.)

YARD SIGNS: "Show your Spirit" for ZHS sports, band, cheerleader, etc. (like political sign) SM: 12x18 - $12 -- LG 18x24 - $15 (order forms in the band room or contact DeeAnn Cranford)

New BRONCO T-SHIRTS: Red: short sleeved $12 on sale at Band Booster's table at each home game.

NEWSPAPER RECYCLING: Proceeds from bins in front ZHS parking lot benefit the band.

* * *

BOOSTERS (Parents of Belle, Flag, Majorette, & Band)

Attend Booster Meetings to boost the whole program, 2nd Tue each month, 7pm, door prize. - Help in Visitor Concession Stand defrays Bronco band letter jacket cost.


Tuesday, December 12: Band Christmas Concert

Friday, May 18: ZHS Graduation


Drum Majors - Page 2
Officers & Awards - Page 3
Seniors - Page 4
Band - Page 5
Flags - Page 6
Bronco Belles - Page 7
Majorettes - Page 8
Drumline - Page 9
Behind the scenes - Page 10
Zachary, Louisiana Home Page
