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you are my song

.:for the one i love:.

You are my song
Did you ever know that?

You are my song
When I pray behind the wings
Your touch is never far
Your voice your acts
Though you aren’t watching tonight

You are my song
When I think they don’t believe
Cos I know you always do
And I’ll fight for anything
Just so I can make you proud again

You are my song
When I dream of flying
Cos you first showed me flight
And taught me
Always to be brave
Always to try
Always to believe

You are my song
When I jump for joy
Every victory is for you
Who first inspired me
To always remember not to give up

You are my song
When it’s dark and lonely
And I think of our late nights
Laughing and teasing across stars
Long gone days
How I wish tearfully
You would come back

You are my song
When I’m a little girl again
And I need your strength
And touches of love
To take me to
The top of the world someday

You are my song
When I cry so hard
You lie, again and again
Yet I never stop believing

You are my song
When I think of the past
No one but you, could fill me
With warmth and fuzz
Let’s live
Yesterday once more

You are my song
When I wish so hard
Just for you to be back
The fears the misses
The if-onlys
The why-nots

You are my song
When I stand up and dance
You fill me
And take my hand
Once again

You are my song
Wherever I am
Wherever you are
You are the song
I will never forget
