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The page of counted sorrows .........
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that counts for me. I don't know how I lived without your suggestions till now. Now that I have
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About me Notes on S/W of note The dream builders - 1 2 3 Noise makers Heroes Moving Pictures

About me

Notes on S/W of note The dream builders
I like reading. Loose yourself in dream worlds wrought with words. A picture may be worth a thousand words. But I like to read the thousand words and get the picture. Inevitably I have my favourites.  

Science Ficton

The grand masters 

If it is fiction, my first preference is Science Fiction. No wonder my faourite author (he is having to fight hard) is an SF maestro - Arthur C. Clarke. He weaves exotic tapestries with words. The worlds that he creates are always right there with you. The characters, human, alien or something else is built up with exquisite touch. Who can forget HAL, I can't agree with Rama (the spaceship) not having a character, Vanamonde and Alvin (Against the Fall of night), Richard (Garden of Rama), . He has written short stories which are enjoyable in very different ways. Some are really short, some are funny, some are philosphical, but each of them is unique. Apart from fiction, books like Profiles of the future are there for those who can't stand imagination. If you particular to some lighter reading you can try Tales from the White Hart. Read some of his work. 

Ahhh!!! the Good Doctor, Isaac Asimov. I am smiling even as I write this. He writes a book a day, well almost. But there is nothing funny about what he writes, it is either hilarious or thrilling or horrifying or naughty or .... it goes on. The foundation series is the best of his best. His short stories stand apart in style, some of them have a slight O Henry-ish touch. I have enjoyed reading almost everything he write. He has written books on Mathematic, Biology, Physics, Bible, Sex etc. etc. There is one for you in there somewhere. hopefuly more than one. 

Most of the normal homo-sapiens need to put in effort to write decent books. But this guy has to control himself to not write. Robert Heinlein has written some of the best books I have read. Glory Road, Stranger in a Strange land, Starship Troopers, Time enough for Love etc are some of them. Lazarus Long novels (ones in which he is atleast mentioned) can be difficult to digest at first go, but does have its own charm. Puzzlingly (to me) Heinlein has been considered more of a rival to Clarke than is Asimov. 

The tykes 
Peter Hamilton 
Ian M Banks 
Orson Scott Card 
William Gibson 

Woww what a Book 

Mote in the Gods eye 
Dream Snake 

on and on it goes

SF - Science Fantasy/Ficton/Funny

Terry Pratchet, verra verra dangerous writer. He will cause sleeplessness and stiches on your sides. But if you get doubts as to what colour octarine is or why the four Elephants don't get friction burns - you have to read him. Discworld is the best place to be if you pay your guild fees in time. You can be robbed at your convenience, mugged at your convenience or even assassinated at your convenience. I really like his style of writing. Never ever ceases being funny, as even death gets arthritic problems and one day Hex may decide to spawn a mini-hex, Howbut a sample, here are the opening lines from Jingo  

And the anwer is ... 42, now what is the question? If you smiled then welcome to the club. Douglas Adams and the 5 volume Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy trilogy is one of the most addictive series that I have read. Some times I try look sideways or in that particular angle to see if there are any Vogon spaceships hidden behind an air molecule. Frankly it is funny and his books are well written. Dirk Gentely series is also equally absorbing. Must read.  

I have to expand this list and add info on each. It should happen over the years. 

O Henry 
Dick Francis 
Ayn Rand
Nevil Shute 
James Herriot 
H Rider Haggard 
Spike Milligan 
Arthur Catherall 

Roger Penrose 
Douglas Hofstadter 
Nigel Calder 

M T 
Kunchan Nambiar