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A Prayer For My Children

I pray for you to be kind and good.
Cruelty breeds cruelty.
I pray for you to be giving.
Selfishness and greed lead to forfeiting your many blessings.
I pray for you to be honest.
Lies become deceptions only to yourself.
I pray for you to be forgiving.
To carry hatred is a heavy burden.
I pray you will not sit in judgment of your neighbor.
The criticism of others only shows arrogance on your part.
I pray for you not to be manipulating.
Others must choose for themselves by the guidance of their own heart.
I pray for you to love yourself without conceit.
I pray that you will always be surrounded with love
and never know loneliness.
I pray that you will consider each choice with care
so your path will be one with honor.
I pray for you to keep good memories close to your heart.
I pray that you will always be able to think of me and smile.
I pray for you a pure heart and gentle spirit.
I pray you will know a fraction of the love I have for you.
At the last moment of your life,
I pray that you will be at peace with your life and with God.

With Love, Your Mother

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