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Expand Your writing opportunities with a complete and affordable publishing package using your cover art. For a basic fee, of only $499.95 you can see your book in print. Poetry Chapbooks up to 40 pages starting as low as $249.95

Printing is the only additional cost.

View Our most current releases separately on the Library page:

Children's Books

A Little Bit of Texas by Rod Nichols and published by Passage Publishing has won The Will Rogers Medallion Award. Congratulations Rod.

Seven simple steps to self-publishing.
1. Submit the manuscript.
2. New author account established.
3. Formatting - book layout, text style, page numbers, ISBN number and barcode are assigned.
4. Cover design - photographs or artwork.
5. Author will proof initial copy and make corrections.
6. Manufacture final product - perfect bound, professional quality. Chapbooks - staple or stitch binding. Author receives 3 completed copies (1 for chapbooks). Additional books ordered in packages of 25 to 50 depending on total page count.
7. Marketing - Admission to our Internet library and Books in Print. Press release and media kits are also available.

Additional services offered.
Cover design - design your own at no extra charge or let our talented staff lend a hand - $100.00 for custom cover design.
Editing - those annoying errors in punctuation, grammar and sentence structure - $75.00 per 100 pages.
Press Release Kits - are available to inform the public of your achievement. $75.00 initial setup - includes media and bookstore mailers. $75.00 initial setup for full-color flyers.

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The "mother" company.
Up Country Creations started it all. Visit by clicking on the Up Country button or the Home button below.

Need some help with the following subjects? Just email your questions.

Self Publishing
Avoiding Publishing Scams
Selling a Book by its Cover
Formatting and Binding a Screenplay

Passage Publishing published a poetry anthology in 2010. This book is a Tribute to America with contributions of poetry, essays, and photographs submitted by authors and photographers across America. The four sections of the book are: Patriotism - the Natural Beauty of America - the Humorous side of Americans - and the Diversity of the American people. You may purchase the book by clicking on the PayPal button or by contacting Passage Publishing:

Questions? Just email them.

Know someone who writes and should be published? Do them a favor and let them know about us.