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We construct many kinds of fences for many different reasons.
We build them straight and strong to withstand the worst of seasons.
We limit, we hinder, we control, we restrain, we wire, we nail, we restrict, we constrain.
We fasten, we cement, we bind, we grout, we lock ourselves in, we lock others out.

We keep in the dogs, kids, cows, and horses,
We undertake this chore with so many choices.
Your fence reflects the inner part of you,
Or maybe just attributes you wished belonged to you.

Tall redwood fences render us status as the tree from which they came.
Fences built of barnwood, give us a rugged name.
Board fences, smoothe and painted, say,"I am sturdy and on an even keel."
Spiked express tough, uncompromising, with an iron will.

Rail fences tell, "I care, and I take the time to show it."
Chain link says, "I am systematic and I know it."
We may show a complex nature when our fence is made of trellis.
Barbed wire tells you may be a bit suspicious or jealous.

Cement one stone to another and build you fence forever.
Make a wall around your life no one can ever sever.
Picket fences, painted white, tell others, "I have no strife."
Razor wire just plain says, "I'm probably in for life."

Copyright 1999
Up Country Creations