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The Healing Power of Faith

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Testimony Page

If you have a healing or other testimony:

In February of 1998, I was given a year or less to live with lung cancer. Shortly thereafter, my then teenage daughter informed me she was with child and did not intend to wed. In short, my life was a total disaster.

I did not worship or pray (except when I was in trouble). Yet I asked God to help me. I tried meditation, visualization, yoga, herbs... everything but worship, faith, and prayer.

Fourteen weeks later my CAT scan showed four new tumors and the original three tumors had grown. My cancer had more than doubled. I asked my oncologists if my prognosis was still one year (less the three months that had passed). She could not even look at me. With her eyes cast downward she changed the subject to the next therapy to be tried. It appeared I would not even live to see my grandchild. I was frantic my bleak life appeared doomed.

In utter despair I cried out to God, "Why have you forsaken me?!!" What happened next shocked and scared the day lights out of me. A voice answered, "Why have you not gone to My house to pray?" I immediately knew what the voice ment and so much more. I had been asking a God I didn't know or worship to deliver me.

I went to church and prayed my heart out. I've been attending St. John Baptist Church, going to Bible classes, reading my Bible daily, and praying several times daily ever since.

My doctor is amazed that I am still around and in good shape. Medically speaking, patients having had as much chemotherapy as I are in seriously poor health or dead. I feel fine.

I still teach full-time, continue restoring an old wood boat, keep the house in relatively good shape, and have an active life that I share with the best wife anyone ever had.

God has given me more time than I asked for and a thousand times more than I deserve. Yet I know He will give me even more. Additionally, He has given me eternal life beyond this one.

Please email me if you need these blessings from God. To email me click on the address at the bottom of this page.
