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Make clouds using volume fog 

Make a realistic underwater ocean scene.  Not Working Yet

Making a realistic outerspace scene.  Not Working Yet

Laser beam basics.  Not Working Yet

Creating smoke with vloume lights.  Not Working Yet
Boolean help. How to make them  Not Working Yet
every time.
Material editor basics.  Not Working Yet
 Making sparks Not Working Yet

Making a sphere disintegrate Not Working Yet

VRML and 3dsmax

What tools in MAX you can use for VRML
Using vrml and max  NavigationInfo
Using vrml and max  TimeSensor
Using vrml and max  TouchSensor
Using vrml and max  Background
Using vrml and max  ProximitySensor
Using vrml and max  Anchor
Using vrml and max  Inline
Using vrml and max  Sound
Using vrml and max  LOD
Using vrml and max  Billboard