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Environmental Quality Committee

GTX Hazardous Waste Incinerator Amelia, Louisiana

Whereas the incineration of hazardous materials, many of which are chlorine based organic chemicals, is not safe

Whereas the combustion of these materials as indicated in GTX's September, 1998 newsletter, page 4, shows that dioxins and furans are produced in the incineration process,

Whereas dioxins and furans are the most toxic substances known and are cancer causing agents of the worst order,

Whereas the transportation of these toxic materials along U.S. Highway 90 through communities that have little or no emergency response capabilities is very dangerous and threatening to citizens of the area,

Whereas the citizens of Amelia fought Marine Shale for ever ten years to stop their 60 tons per day incineration of hazardous waste and the 20 times larger GTX poses a far greater risk to the health and well-being of the entire parish including fish and wildlife resources,

Therefore, be it resolved that the Louisiana Wildlife Federation go on record in opposition to the proposed GTX Hazardous Waste Incinerator in Amelia, Louisiana.