A Slice Of Life

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By: Lillian Carol Russell


From the town of Roseland, the state of Louisiana,
the United States of America, planet Earth.

Born in New Orleans. Louisiana,

raised in Roseland, Louisiana

and a native of that area for 55 years.

I am now a Texan by choice,

having followed my heart,

I moved to Texas in June of 2000

to be near our grandchildren.

Love is like a bed of roses, there are many thorns.
The path to true happiness lies in learning to avoid the thorns,
while enjoying the roses.


I dedicate this web page to the memory of my father,

a man who saw the good in all people and chose to overlook the bad,

to my beloved husband who helped,

guided and encouraged me to paint and to write,

my children, my grandchildren and all the people

who loved, laughed and cried with me

on the journey to where I am today.

Without you what would I have written about?

Your encouragement has inspired

and guided me to share a slice of my life

with all who will take the time to read.

Because of His love for each of us, God has provided a simple plan of salvation to
ensure eternal life after death. For all who will accept Jesus Christ as their Savior,
the same will receive the free gift of everlasting life in Heaven.

My Poems

The Journey
Time in A Bottle
Days Of Nursery Rhyme
Babies Don't Keep
Last Year's Garden
Seasonal Poetry
A Collection of Religious Poetry
A Collection Of My Favorite Poems

My Stories

Epilepsy And Answered Prayer
Unexplained Phenomenon
Stories, Memorials and Moments To Remember

My Favorite Links

Memorial for lost friends...My brother-in-law, Norman Royce Russell Jr.,
was amoung these 12 who parished January 12, 1962

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
GOSHEN Net Bible Study & Concordance

The Hammond Dailey Star; Learn about happenings in Southeast Louisiana.

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