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The Two Faces Of Cyrillia

~~~~~Let me welcome you to my
little corner of the world.
I will say that I am aware my
home can stand some improvement
and that it may not be the most
interesting place you've ever
been, but I really would like
to hear your ideas and
suggestions on how I can

I am very much into RPG's
which to those who dont know,
RPG's are role playing games.
My home here on the web is
going to introduce you to my
character in RPG's and to the
mundane (human) behind the
character. Both of which go
by the name of Cyrillia.

~~~Cyrillia The Human~~~

I am a self admitted "Computer Junkie".
I am anything but a "newbie" but i
am not a genius either.... I really
like music of almost any kind. One of
my dreams is to have the largest
collections of guitars in the world...
And part of this site is going to
be dedicated to music of all kinds...

A goal of mine is to make this
a webpage you are going to want
to come back to... A place
that changes often so you dont
get bored, a place you'll want
to reccomend to your friends.
(and if you like this page,
feel free to pass out this
web address...)

Spending time on my computer
is like heaven to me.. It helps
me relax and get out some of my
frustrations of everyday life.
My parents raised me as a rock baby,
meaning the very first songs I
learned were rock... Classic rock
has always been a big part of my life....
Mum and i used to driving around
singing along to Skid Row and Damn
Yankees.... Most of my childhood
memories revolve around Guns N'Roses
and Metallica.

Facts About Me

~~~Cyrillia The Character~~~

Cyrillia's skin is that of the
fairies. Pale, yet soft , it
contrasts with the raven hue of
her hair. She is part fairy, part
vampire, with the best features
of each. Her eyes are a crimson
that matches the velvet gown she
wears. She looks evil, and is
often mistaken as so, though her
heart is pure and pleasent. She
was raised by fairies, and taught
all the fairy magic after her
parents were killed in an uprising.
The magic of the Vampires was
learned by instinct and so she has
twice the magic of any single breed.
Since she is a half-breed, she feels
like she doesn't belong. She's
too dark to be with the fairies,
too light to be with the Vampires, So
she travels the world in search of
the things every woman wants, Love, and
a place to call home.


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