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Welcome to the website of one of the brightest up and coming stars in the literary world! His name is
Lawrence T., and his gift for painting pictures with his poetry is something that you will not want to miss. Newly discovered, Lawrence T. is awaiting the publication of his first work - a volume of original verse.

Soon to follow will be several novels, one of which is based on the astonishing story behind his very moving poem:

Familiar Strangers

I'm lost in a world of familiar strangers
I live day to day
I treat people the way they treat me
If I'm loved it's returned
I owe no one any favors

I've loved and lost
I've hated, yet won nothing
I've competed and never entered the game
Even felt sorrow and never understood the reason why

It's said you can feel lost in a room full of strangers
I know what is meant
For I feel lost in a world of familiar strangers

People I've known, yet never knew
Lovers I've loved, yet never felt their warmth
People who are friends, but we share no common bond
The people who mean the world to me, yet mean nothing
For I'm lost in a world full of familiar strangers

Yes, I'm lost in this world I call home

Lawrence writes about love, life, and the realities of being a Native American in this modern day world:

"White Man"

I am a white man,
Yes, it is true.
But do not look at me as your fathers did.
I have the blood of my brother, the Mohawk,
And my soul cries
For the pain I cannot heal.
My heart aches
For the trouble my skin has caused you, my brothers,
But it was not I that did this to you.
See me as me,
As the Great Spirit will see me.

Judge me for my own deeds and misgivings,
For to do less
Would only make you as wrong
As the ones you now

My blood runs as yours does;
My wants and desires are as yours.

I also hear the wind call to me in the night;
I see the eagle as my brother;
The wolf and the bear are my guides;
The raven speaks to me of healing.

And yet, I am without a family
For you have also cast me aside
And called me names that cut more deeply
Than the thorns of the rose.

Yes, I am a white man,
But I am also your brother.

This collection is one that should be on every bookshelf. A modest and very humble man, Lawrence T. is just your regular everyday guy... who happens to have a truly shining gift. For a few words from the author himself, read on -

A little background history -
I am "40 something" and was born in Pittsburgh, Pa.. I am of both Mohawk and Irish descent. Did a stint in the U.S. Navy from 1970-1976 including Vietnam.
I have been writing poetry since I was discharged and have been published in Critique Magazine (Winter 1998 issue) with a poem I call "Familiar Strangers". There are also two novels in the works... both fiction/romance.
As for my Native American background, recent research has shown that my ancestors are from the Mohawk Nation, Wolf Clan, and that I am a direct descendant of Chief Joseph Brant.
Some of the finer things in life that I enjoy are StarTrek, paintballing, swimming, reading and being anywhere it is warm.

Thank you for visiting Lawrence T's webpage. Be sure to watch for his name at your favorite bookstore. If you have any questions or comments, he would be glad to hear from you.

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