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The Jedi Post, More fun than you can throw an Ewok at
established 1999

Editor: Sephiroth

Asst: Yoda {mds}_

March 14, 1999 __

Issue 13

Active Channel

Active Channel
As of to day we now have an
active channel here at
The Jedi Post

Episode 1: The Phantom Menace
Star Wars, Episode 1


Hov Training Facility, MP level
File: HOV Training Facility | Author: OO9(HOV)
Description: A Jedi Knight multiplayer level which has a variety of
settings which include underwater sections, grass sections, and
many different rooms ect. It is a guns/sabers level that plays well without force. The level has some new mats for water also new 3dos
The level supports about 10 players. I hope everyones enjoys my
levels. Please leave feedback about it on the review board at
Massassi. For more details goto the
Hov Editing site.

Here are the latest on Tournaments.

  • Jedi Knight: CTF Tournament: Sign up Now
  • Jedi Knight: Clan War
  • Shogo: One on One MCA Shogo Tournament
  • Rainbow 6: DD Wins
  • Rainbow 6: One on One Tourney!
  • Half-life: Mythos Clan Wins the HL Tourney
  • Quake 2: The Clan World Tournament
  • Tribes CTF: 5 on 5 Tournament
  • More details can be found at the CWT site.



Star Wars Episode I
If You go over to GameCenter today you'll see that they have an
extensive guide to
Episode I, Episode I game coverage, and Star Wars gaming in genral.
They have downloads , strategies, editorials, and links so go take a
look at it when you're done here

Submit Your News
If you have any news you would
like to see posted Please submit it
Submit News

Jedi Knight: Dark Secret ( part 2 )
In this episode Ceraph has his first encounter with the soon to
become Darth Vader.


Episode 1, trailer 2
The new Star Wars trailer is now
available for download from
The Official Star Wars site. To get it directly click here (25MB)

We need stories
Hey we need you the reader to
write your own fictional star
wars related stories and seen them to use so we can post them for everyone to read

Jedi Knight links
Jedi Knight links and other random links around the web.


Game Cheats
Insted of having some huge page of cheats that is unorganized we decided to let just give you a link to a better cheat site so click on over to
Game Sages to get
the help you need.



Staff News... 

Why not take a look at
the people that made this
all possable

Sephiroth | Yoda | NightFire

More Help
We need more help with the site
so if you or anyone you know
that wants to help pease e-mail

Feel the power

Featured links... 

Game cheats...


Help us... 

Come take a look at today's featured links
that were used in the

Featured Links

Take a Look at this
week's featured


Why not take a liitle
time and surf on over to
our links page
so start surfing.


Have a link ,question,
news, or just wanna
help us here. why not let us know

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Why not take a liitle
time and surf on over to
our links page
so start surfing.

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Jedi Knight and Star Wars are trademarks of
LucasArts LTD. Some
images seen on this page
have been created by
LucasArts Entertainment
LTD and other groups. The Jedi Post is not
a part of, nor associated
directly with LucasArts in
any way.
© 1999 The Jedi Post.

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