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Welcome to Rosiebay's World!



"To God Be the Glory!"

My name is LaRose and I live in Colorado with my husband Larry and four children. I am a church secretary and have recently become a bookkeeper. This is stretching my mind greatly!

I am having a lot of fun these days. I started a new project on the internet, a list-serve for Christian women with Yahoo groups, called Inspirational Memories. Have also been very blessed, I am a contributing writer to the new Christian inspirational book series "God Allows U-Turns!" Volumes 1 and 2 of "Helpful Stories for Hopeful Hearts" will be released this year. And last but not least, read my weekly devotionals each Tuesday at

There are some great memories on these pages, and once in a while some new pictures!!

Larry and I are at a point in our lives when our children are at various stages of growing up. Our oldest son Brett is a self-sufficient, nice young man. He has been out on his own for six years now. He recently bought a house and instructed us not to walk on his grass. Our oldest daughter Amy has just moved into her first apartment. Younger daughter Rhea is in high school and a gifted pianist. Jeremiah, our boisterous son, is in middle school.

There are links below to some of the fun parts of my life. I try to add new pictures occasionally but am slow with my html. Don't forget to sign the guestbook when you visit!

And by the way, I treasure my friends and family so much...thank you for being a part of my life!

This is a new page that I worked on recently. Read "Purple Pants of Long Ago" and see pictures! Aunt Geneva's Story


Places, Friends, Stories

Family Photos (UPDATED)
Brazil Foreign Mission Trip
Brazilian Journey
Hope for Children of the Street
Heaven's Phone Directory
God Allows U Turns
Assorted Photos...This and That
Emmanuel Baptist (My church)
First Baptist (where I work)
My Cousin David Sweat's Swinging Good time Page!
Steph's Inkwell