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Hi, as you guessed from my title, my name is Debbie. This is my first experience at a homepage, so I hope you will have patience as it grows into one that I hope you will enjoy visiting. I want to give credit to the person that made this page possible. If not for all the help and patience of one very special person, I would never have gotten this far. Thank you Garey (Urshan) for all your help and time spent helping me on my hompage. You are very special to me and I truely enjoy our time together.

Click here and let me tell you a few things about myself.

Click here to view photos of my family.

I have made several good friends here on the net, and I would like to tell you about some of them. Click here to view.

Click here to view pics and information on all my horses.

Click here to see my favorite links on the net.

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