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Who Was Moses?

The name of Moses was associated with the Old Testament, especially the Pentateuch; note 2 Corinthians 3:15, where 'Moses' stands pars pro toto for the Old Testament. And it was Moses and Elijah, the representatives of Old Testament law and prophecy, who stood with Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration (Matthew 17:3). (The Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Vol. 2, pg 1030)

A Man Who Knew God's Will

As one especially prominent in declaring and teaching the will, commandments and nature of God, Moses was characteristically the model of all later true prophets until the coming of that One of whom he was forerunner (Dt. 18:18; Acts 3:22), to whom all the prophets bear witness (Acts 10:43). He was called by God (Ex. 3:1--4:17) not only to lead the people out of bondage but to make known God's will. Typical is Ex. 19:3, 7: God speaks to Moses, and he to the people. Moses communed with God long (Ex. 24:18) and often (e.g. Ex. 33:7-11), as did later prophets (cf. Samuel's life of prayer, 1 Sa. 7:5; 8:6; 12:23; 15:11). Just as the covenant was declared and renewed (Dt. 29:1) through Moses, so the later prophets in turn repeatedly reproved Israel for breaking the covenant and its conditions (e.g. 1 Ki. 18:18; 2 Ki. 17:15, 35-40; 2 Ch. 15:1, 12; Je. 6:16, 19; 8:7, 11:1-5, 6-10; Ho. 6:7; Am. 2:4; Hg. 2:5; Mal 2:4) though Jeremiah (31:31-34) could also look forward to a new covenant. (The Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Vol. 2, pg 1029--1030)

Miracles of Moses

Moses is most vividly remembered as being used by God in bringing the 12 plagues of judgment upon Egypt (Exodus 7-11):

The Plague of Blood
The Plague of Frogs
The Plague of Gnats
The Plauge of Flies
The Plague of Livestock
The Plague of Boils
The Plague of Hail
The Plague of Locusts
The Plague of Darkness
The Plague on the Firstborn