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There is a show tommorow (December 27th) at Hooligan Ink in Youngstown. Stronger than Hate and 969 from Clearfield, Crowd Deterrent from New Castle, Happosai from Wooster, and Knuckle Sandwich and No Cause from Youngstown. More info and directions on the Shows page. Come to the show.

Also, on the topic of this web page: If you have a problem with anything on this web page then fucking tell me. Since I redid this web page I can only recall getting any kind of suggestions as to what I should have on it ONE TIME. And no, "this web page sucks" or "you're an asshole" do not count as suggestions. A suggestion one would be something like "You're an asshole because you only put your opinions on the page," or "you never add anything new so your web page sucks." If you have a problem with it, tell me. It's alot better than sitting around sulking and complaining about me because you're to lazy to actually give me anything of your own to put on here.

Update on the January 7th benefit show: The Hooligans from Cleveland are in fact playing much to the chagrin of some people. They're driving almost two hours to get here, playing first, not getting paid, and hey they even said they'd bring some equipment! So buy some of their cd's or something...but don't feel to bad for them, they're on a little record label that actually pays them, and get to play with Anti-Flag. Other bands playing the show will be Gauntlet, Crowd Detterrent, The Unflushables (who for the record aren't a rockabilly band, but rather play their own band of Toilet Rock), and I think maybe Proof Positive. Its a Benefit show, if you want to know more about that e-mail Julie at since shes the one that is handling that end of it. Another exciting thing, The Uncommon Logic is reforming...only this time they're calling themselves Uncommon Logic 2000!!! I'm told that they're going to be a street punk band, and that they're covering a few Ignorantz songs which Jorge is going to sing on. Also not that anyone really gives a shit but myself and martin are doing a grindcore tape and calling it Vaginal Anus. Should be pretty horrible sounding since neither of us can sing, we're using his keyboard for drums, and i'm using so much distortion on my guitar that it sounds like one giant ass.

Well, its been a busy week. It seems that virtually every band has decided to break up at the same time. The death toll so far is: The Ignorantz are broken up, The Piss Pirates are breaking up,Proof Positive is on hiatus, Knuckle Sandwich i don't even know, and Puppet Government is apparently no more. On the good side the guys from Puppet Government are in a new band called Blood Skull, if they can find anyone that actually wants to be in the band Knuckle Sandwich will be basically members from all of the bands that have broken up, and if all goes well Antidisestablishmentarianism will basically be the Ignorantz without Cody. In other news, since all of the bands are breaking up I think that Steve is still looking for bands to play at Hooligans on the 27th, so E-mail him if you're in a band. Also we have a bunch of shows that we're still trying to set the dates for in the next couple months: Theres the Pitboss 2000 /Bad Luck 13 Riot Extravaganza show, All Out War, Shutdown in Febuary i think, The Unseen on January 5th if it comes through, and probably Violent Society whenever they come back around.

VIOLENT SOCIETY has canceled for the show on saturday. I don't know why they aren't coming, but I do know that Proof Positive, Kill the Hippies, the Piss Pirates, and possibly the Ignorantz will be playing anyways.

Hey, the SSC is having a party this Saturday night at BJ Lisko's house. Bands playing will include Gauntlet, The Ignorantz, Puppet Government, Proof Positive, Mother Theresah, and The S.S.C. All-Stars. It starts at 7, is over at 1, and don't cost any money. Can't figure out how to get there? Directions are at the bottom of the "Shows" Page.

Pics from the November 19th Show are up.

The show last night was pretty fucking good...big turnout, couple hundred people showed up. Even though all the bands with the exception of Gauntlet sounded pretty bad, there were 30 man pile ons, insane dancing, guitar throwing, chairsmashing, and piles of destroyed equipment. The only real let down was the band ORAL somehow being thrown on the bill by the guy who rented the hall. They took over 30 minutes to set up, more than that to take their stuff down, and played for twice as long as any other band. They even brought their own security guards to protect them from the two kids that were moshing in front of them. lame. Oh well...the S.S.C. fucking destroyed that place last night, Pics should be up as soon as people get them developed. If anyone else has any, let me know...i want to fucking see them!!! Also, big thanks to all the guys from Butler for showing up (even if some spent the last half of the show in jail) and toAuf Stand for coming all the way from Pittsburgh to play. Only about 30 people were around to see them, but they were good even without their usual singer. You guys better play Mumia at the next show...thats ousted America '98 as my favorite Auf Stand song. Also, thanks to the A.R.A. for showing up, and i hope to see everyone at the benifit show we're planning for them in a couple months.

Ok, yet ANOTHER change. Violent Society will be playing at Hooligans Tattoo Parlor in Youngtown, Ohio, along with The Boils, The Viles, and The Pirates who Rip out Your Eyeballs and Piss in Your Eyesockets. Also, sometime in the next couple months Pitboss 2000 will be playing at Hooligans Tattoo Parlor, along with The Bad Luck 13 Riot Extravaganza, Proof Positive, and more TBA.

For those of you who need directions to the show on the 19th, they've been posted on the Shows page. Also, I'll be uploading the Flyer for the show to the site so that anyone who is willing to can download the flyer and post a few in their home town. I'm hoping a lot of people do this, we need to get as many people as we can to this show! Also, I've taken all of the posts from the Nyabinghi guy and made them into their own page: Hate Mail.

What do you do on the weekends if you live in a dying town whose two largest industries are Prisons and Telemarketing? Some kids like to go out and drink, some like to spend them drinking coffee in a family resteraunt. And some of them get sick of all the same old shit: THIS is the SSC. It doesn't matter if you play punk, hardcore, metal, ska, surfer music, whatever. We're creating a united scene here, so that maybe we'll actually have something to do on a Saturday night in our own home town.


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