Explorer Post 313
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Explorer Post 313

Welcome to the Explorer Post 313 Homepage. We are located in Bogalusa, Louisiana. Here you will learn about the post activities and other events. In the Post, people ages from 14 to 21 do lots of activities and community services. Each Post has a different main point. This Post (313) for example, is canoeing. We go to all sorts of canoeing races. The biggest canoe race we enter is the Explorer's National 120-miles White River Race held in Arkansas each year. We also enter other small races which include: The Boga Chitto 110-miles race, Going from Mississippi to Louisiana, The Homochitto River Race, Held in Mississippi, The Bayou Liberty Pirogue Race, held on Bayou Liberty in Slidell, Louisiana, etc. We also do other sports including: Volleyball, basketball, softball, etc. We are sponsored by the The Daily News of Bogalusa. Our Post Advisor is Retired Colonel Bobby Miller. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NATIONAL CHAMPIONS!!! For 5 years straight, the Bogalusa Explorer Post 313 has won in the National Canoe Marathon in Arkansas. It was won by a hard working team effort. The Post had five canoes in the water. The Novice Division came in first, while the experienced division came in third. The Post came in first overall. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LSU GAMES This fall during the college football season, The Post will be going to the LSU home games. At the games they will be helping out the stadium by being "Stretcher Bearers" in the stands. They would help out fans that are injured in the stands by carrying them on a stretcher to the trauma room. Nobody want anyone to get hurt, but things do happen sometimes and the Post members are there to help. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPCOMING ACTIVITIES For the Fall and Winter, the Post will be splitting woods to sell for the Post's funds. Post members volunteer their time to help out the Post. Usually the Post works on Saturday in the morning. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THANK YOU I'm sure I speak for the whole Post when I say "Thank you" to all the people that help the Post. We would especially thanks "The Daily News" & and Colonel Bobby Miller. Without them, this Post would not be possible. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE This page should be updated about 2 times a month, unless something goes wrong with my computer. Check back often.

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Email: tkn@bsb.k12.la.us