Ryan's Wrestling Page

Own this website!

If you want to own this website, send an e-mail to hs109@yahoo.com

I'm currently making another website that requires continuous updating, so this one has just been sitting here rotting away. I think there is some excellent material on this website, and it's a shame to see it just take up space on the web.

I have updated the wrestler biographies for WWF, now including the Hardy Boyz and more information on the WWF/ECW coalition that's currently going underway. I've also added additional information under the WCW recent report.

Thanks to both the people who used to come to my website and click reload a bunch of times to make me feel as if I had a lot of visiters to the page. People, please, SIGN THE GUESTBOOK. I look like a nerd with only a handful of entries, get with it people, you can sign it and resign it for all I care, just get with it. I can't have a counter that says I have 16,000 + people that have visited it and a guestbook that only says 20 entries, it's just not right. Also, read some of those entries, they're pretty funny if you aren't offended easily. If you are, don't read them. I forgot my logon name to my guestbook sponsor, so I have no clue how to erase the entries in them. Don't take advantage of the previous sentence.

I should have Bret Hart in the above poll, but since his stay in WCW, he unfortunately hasn't done anything. I miss him, and Shawn Michaels, but time goes on. I also like Al Snow, but he doesn't seem to get a lot of heat in WWF. The Rock isn't in there, but I don't know the code for this poll either, so I can't change past it's original text. Sorry everyone, but if we try hard, I know we can make it through this.

Greatest Wrestler in Pro Wrestling

Ric Flair
Bill Goldberg
Kevin Nash
Hollywood Hogan
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin
Hunter Hearst Helmsly

Current Results

Understanding my ratings system

The ratings system system on my page is fairly self-explanatory, so if it really confuses you I'll write about it some time. I stopped doing W.C.W. about 2 years ago, so there will be NO updates on it. You can look at it if you like to see some of the old happenings in WCW. I'm currently redoing all my pages, so wish me luck, it could take a while. Read all of my "interviews", none of them actually happened, but they are funny and you can't find them anywhere else on the web, (or I hope not, that's copywrite infringement.)


You are a moron if you believe this page is in any way affiliated with Titan Sports or Turner Entertainment.

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Email: hs109@yahoo.com

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