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The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church

Welcome to The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church Online.
Father Dan Cook is the pastor. He can be reached at: P.O. Box 439 Campti,La 71411 Phone:(318)476-2116 Fax:(318)476-2815


Remember our overall Lenton theme was "the awesomeness of the Father's love" (John 3:16), which invites us to love in return. Lent was an important time in our lives this year. I hope all of us nurtured our inner life and discovered the mystery of Christ within us. The more we take on the heart and mind of Christ, the more we are healed deeply of the emotional wounds of a life time. (John 15:9-10).

One of the many things that Father Dan did for us, is the live Stations of the Cross, where people of the church and town people from Campti, La., took part in re-enacting the crucifixion of our dear Lord, Jesus Christ. People attending, found themselves crying. It was so realistic. Everyone played their part well. Fr. Dan has VCR tapes, if you would like to have a copy for just $3.00 to cover the cost of the tape.

Also, on Good Friday, at the 3:00 service, everyone was asked to come forth and venerate the cross; after that, everyone was to pick up a spike nail and drive it into the two crosses on either side of the church. The sound was deafening and sent chills up your back. It brought the terrible thought to mind, of being part of the crucifixion.

It is hoped that everyone in our three churches found Lent, this year, as a retreat time, a time for spiritual renewal, a time to consider our relationship with the Lord, to search our souls, to repent for our lack of commitment to our Christian call, and to experience a new grace of God's mercy and love for our church family.

The month of May is a very busy time in our churches. There has been May Crowning and Confirmation will be May 16th at 10:00 A.M. at Nativity. Our youth have been studying for this sacrament for two years and are patiently awaiting the gift of the Holy Spirit. Bishop Jacobs will be here for Confirmation. The church will celebrate with a covered dish lunch afterwards. Please, make plans to attend and watch the youth of our churches become adult Catholics. "Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." 2 Corinthians 3:17

Our Lady of the Rosary (Black Lake) and St. Joseph's (Trichel) have purchased beautiful statues of Our Lady. The statues are in the process of drying and then will be stained. Each church has a different vision as to where to place Momma Mary. These statues were made in Bastrop, LA. Mr. Mayberry (the man who made the mold for Mary) has been trying to perfect her, for four years. St. Joseph's got the first one out of the mold. She is truly beautiful. We are looking forward to seeing our Blessed Mother at each of the churches. Maybe She will instill in us to say a Rosary a day. That would be nice.


PRAYER MEETING Bishop Sam Jacobs invites all people of the diocese to join him for a prayer meeting each 1st and 3rd Monday of the month, at his home, in Alexandria at 7:00 P.M. Call Fr. Dan if you would like to go.

PRAYER MEETINGFr. Jose' Toro and Fr. Dan ask that you join them on Sunday evening from 7:15 until 8:30 P.M. at Holy Cross Church for song, prayer and sharing. There is also a short teaching on receiving the fullness of the Holy Spirit and the gifts we receive from Him. So, if you only thought of the Holy Spirit as the third person in the Trinity or the last One in the sign of the cross, this would be a wonderful thing to do on a Sunday evening, especially during the summer months when it doesn't turn dark until 9:00. See you there.

STEUBENVILLE SOUTH A high school youth conference will be held in Alexandria, LA. June 25-27, 1999. Join Father Dan and Michael for this awesome conference. It promises to be a Holy Spirit weekend with tons of youth. Good way to meet other Catholic youth. Come find the "awesome" God.

SOUTHERN CARIBBEAN CRUISE Come join Fr. Jose' and Fr. Dan January 2, 2000 to January 9th, 2000. Starting price for one week is $1,286. Call Fr. Jose' if you would like to go, 352-2615.

JESUIT SPIRITUALITY CENTER A 5-day guided retreat entitled, "Holiness Through Our Humanness" 5/24/99-5/30/99. It will be held at Grand Coteau, LA. It is so peaceful there, surrounded by trees and countryside. You can walk along a lighted path to do Stations of the Cross. The retreat house looks like something from New Orleans. Just beautiful. St. John Berchmans appeared to a nun that taught at the school there. St. John is the patron of Altar Boys and was a Jesuit Seminarian. As he lay on what turned out to be his deathbed, he clasped his rosary, his crucifix, and his book of rules and said, "These are my three treasures, with these I shall gladly die."

COME AND SEE VOCATION RETREAT This is for young men 11th grade and higher, held at Maryhill Retreat on June 4-6. Please, encourage someone from our parish, whom you think may be a potential candidate, to attend.

MARIAN SERIES FEATURED May is traditionally associated with Mary, the Mother of God. Evening retreats will be held at Maryhill each Tuesday during May at 7:00 P.M. Everyone is welcome and there is no charge.

Since May is the Month of Mary, we are going to add a new link for our church to a page dedicated to Our Blessed Mother. It won't just be for the month of May because we intend to keep it always. It is under construction, right now, but, please, if you get a chance, visit this site and pray with Mary, your Mother.

This site is under construction...please be patient as we set things up.

All music for this site has been provided by Kits World of Music located at:

Links to Our Other Pages

The History of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church
The Church Youth Group Page

Other Catholic Sites of Interest

Cool Site for Catholic Youth
Diocese of Alexandria (the diocese that we belong to)

Family Orientated Sites

A Site That Provides Info On Clubs For Todays Youth