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<<A Small History Of Meph's World>>

    In the Last two years I have been reborn, the internet has given me a new set of friends, refocused me on the culture I love and given me the motivation to build the sites that I have.  Meph's world started out small and as a personal page for myself but one day I added a rave page from that day forward I had found my focus on the net which consisted of two things a mass Mailing  list (Nola Pimp List) now known as the DramaFree Club, and the a Louisiana Rave archive.  All my web design, Graphics, and even my Major in College are based from this list.

    To some they would say that is pathetic, but for me I would have it no other way.
as time goes on things change friends move away,grow up,and loss touch. This has happend with many of the "List Kidz" but the list goes on and the memories are preserved by the remaining members of the list and by the Photo archives across the net there were a few here and there but most seem to come and go and it appears it may be that time for Meph's world.

    This is not the end of the archiving of the raves in fact it's a new beginning for everything that was once hosted here will now be moved to WWW.RAVERS.ORG

   This site will now remain on the net as a memorial to it's Self, I have put many hours of work into this site and would do again in a heart beat.  I thank you all who have supported this site in these last two years and I hope to have your support indefently as I keep the tradition of preserving the history that we make together


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