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Welcome to Melvin's Trailerhouse

     Hi, I’m Melvin C. Watson.  Some folks say that the best 
thangs in life is free.  My Innernest Web  page is free, but yew’re 
gonna have to decide fer yourself if it is one of the best thangs in 
yewr life.  

     They’s a lot of funny thangs that happen in life, but sometimes 
we git to busy to notice ‘em.  And sometimes it’s the simple thangs 
that mean the most.  I ain’t got life all figured out by no means, 
but if yew smile cause yew visited my Innernest Web page, then I 
guess I done what I meant to do by makin it.  And if yewr day is a 
little brighter cause of my page, then I guess I done real good.

     If yew like my Innernest Web page, then I sure hope yew'll tell 
yewr friends.  If yew don’t like it, I hope yew'll still telll ‘em, cause
they might not care for yewr taste in Innernest Web pages, and 
just might like mine.

     I am goin to try to update some of the stuff on my page ever 
month.  My youngest son, Earl, is really the one that does 
everthang fer me,  cause I don’t know a danged thang about 
computers and such, and he is computer litert.  

     Anyways, I thank yew fer takin time to visit my page.  And 
I sure hope yew enjoy it.


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