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The Hewlett Packard Logic Analyzer

This report was developed by: Noel Bouillet and Stace Prieston

This CMPH-227 report was designed at the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology for the First year CNT students who will learn to operate the Logic Analyzer and to take this knowledge and apply it in the industry upon graduation. This report contains a description, questions, and exercises to help the student to fully understand the operations of the Logic Analyzer.

Logic Analyzer Flowchart

Description of the Logic Analyzer

The HP 54620C logic analyzer looks and operates much like a scope. The 54620C has a scope platform with an easy to use front panel and a fast, responsive display and it offers color. Your view of multi-channel signal activity is enhanced so troubleshooting and debugging is fast and easy. You can even choose which colors you want to apply to certain channels. Show data channels with one color, read/write lines in another. The Logic Analyzer can store digital data in its memory. The Logic Analyzer works in a simple way; it takes data from the input probe converts the data into digital waveforms and displays the data for measurement and analysis.

Keypads and Softkeys

There are three types of keys on the front panel.

  1. White keys have an immediate action such as starting a stopping.
  2. Grey keys bring up softkey menus, allowing you to modify the instruments measurement configuration.
  3. Softkeys located under the display change to indicate valid menu selections.

Control Knobs

To configure the Analyzer quickly, press the Autoscale white key. To reverse Autoscale, press the Setup grey key, then press undo Autoscale softkey. To set the Analyzer to the factory-default measurement configuration, press the Setup grey key, then press the Default setup softkey.

If there is at least one channel with an active signal, the Analyzer turns off all other channels having no activity. Channels not previously displayed will be added below the channels already being displayed.

Color Palettes Selecting Color Palettes
  1. Press Display grey key.
  2. Press the Palette softkey and continue to cycle through the palettes and observe the different colors.


To activate certain cursors, press the Cursors grey key then press the soft key to activate the desired cursor.

Configure the Analyzer
  1. Press Autoscale key.
  2. To undo the effects of Autoscale, press setup key, then press the undo Autoscale softkey.
  3. To set the instrument to the factory default measurement configuration, press setup key, then press the default setup softkey.

Autostore Function

When autostore is on, the analyzer updates display memory with new acquisitions, but does not erase the results of previous acquisitions.

To Start and Stop Waveforms

To start and stop an acquisition, press the Run/Stop white key.


Selecting Period and Frequency
  1. To select single channel measurement read out the following steps would be performed.
  2. Press the Source soft key to scroll down and select the desired channel.
  3. Press Single channel key.
  4. Press Frequency soft key.
  5. Press Period soft key.

Selecting an Edge Trigger
  1. Press Edge softkey.
  2. Press desired softkey which triggering effect.

Disabling Channels
  1. Press the On/Off grey key.
  2. Using the select knob to scroll to desired channel.
  3. Press the On/Off softkey.

Setting Logic Levels

You can adjust the logic levels used by the Analyzer for 3 groups of input signals: channels 0-7, channels 8-15, and the external trigger. Because of this, you can make measurements on signals from different logic families.
  1. Press Logic levels grey key.
  2. Press Set softkey to highlight the range of channels for which you want to set the logic threshold.
  3. Press the appropriate threshold to use.
  4. If you selected User softkey, set the threshold voltage using the Entry knob.

Threshold Voltage Settings
Option            Voltage

TTL                 1.50V
CMOS            2.50V
ECL                -1.30V
User                Variable from -6V to +6V

Types of faults in digital systems

The faults that may occur in digital circuitry may be due to the hardware, the software, or both. These faults can also occur in analog circuits. The following hardware faults that you could encounter:

Software errors are mainly program errors and only happen if a software program controls the application. They can be broken down into three types:

Logic Analyzer Questions

1.White keys bring up softkey menus. T F

2.When the Analyzer is turned on it automatically runs a self test. T F

3.List in order the steps to change the display to monochrome.



4.What are the 5 knobs on the HP-54620C
5.The HP-54620C is available in:

A) 7 color palettes
B) 6 color palettes
C) 5 color palettes
D) 4 color palettes

6.To start and stop waveforms

A) Press the label key
B) Press Autoscale key
C) Press the On/Off key
D) Press the Line key
E) Press the Run/stop key

7.What does the Entry knob do?



8.How many types of keys are there on the front panel?


9.With the analyzer you can assign (select best answer):

A) Text, waveforms, channels, and screensavers
B) Text, channels, homework, and sea monkeys
C) Channels, waveforms, text, and Jamaican colors
D) Text, waveforms, channels, and colors

10.Describe the steps involved in disabling a channel.



Logic Analyzer Exercise Setup
  1. Power up the Logic Analyzer (Hewlett Packard 54620C).
  2. Locate a microprocessor and power it up.
  3. Locate the cable that has the probes 0-7.
  4. Hook up the probes starting with 0, to the top part of the address LEDs.
  5. Hook up ground (the black probe), to pin 7 of U10.
  6. Your next step is to make sure the bus switch on the microprocessor are in the free run state.
  7. On the SA/FR switch ensure that switches 1 and 2 are in the normal state. The SA/FR is the reset switch.
  8. Toggle the FR switch.
  9. Before attempting any measurements, ensure Analyzer is set in the default factory setting.
  10. Turning to the Logic Analyzer now, use the Time/division knob to set the waveforms at 20 micro seconds. You can see what Time/division you are changing by looking at the top of the display.
  11. In order to ensure you are in the right triggering mode, press the Pattern grey key.
  12. Using the Select knob scroll through each channel and enable a low level state.
Exercise 1

Measuring Duty Cycle and Period with individual channels
  1. Press the Single channel grey key.
  2. Select channel 0.
  3. Measure period. Period should be 6 microseconds. (Note: values will fluctuate.)
  4. Measure period of channel 1. Should be 12 microseconds.
  5. Measure duty cycle of channel 2. Should be 50%.
  6. Measure duty cycle of channel 3. Should be 90%.
Exercise 2

Measuring Frequency and Period with Cursors
  1. Press the Pattern grey key.
  2. Using Select knob scroll through each channel and enable a low level state.
  3. Select Cursors grey key.
  4. Activate cursor t1.
  5. Position the t1 cursor at the positive edge of channel 2.
  6. Activate cursor t2. Position t2 cursor to the next positive edge. (You will now have 1 period between cursors).
  7. Selecting time readout your delta t should read 24 microseconds. That is the distance between cursor t1 and t2.
  8. Your frequency should be approximately equal to 41 kHz. (Note that the readout can be in binary and hex).


Other Related Sites

SAIT CMPH-227 web site
Hewlett Packard web site

Email us your comments or feedback

Stace Prieston
Noel Bouillet