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Larsens' Cyber Landing

These home pages are under construction & made completely with a web tv classic, well I did have my daughter upload the pics for me! Of course I had to use Draac's alot for info & graphics.I got some of my grapics & backs from Sandy's Little piece of Heaven.

Thanks Draac!!

Thanks Sandy

I started these pages just to make an ad for the boat that I could print, I then decided that I could with the help of Draac, Angelfire & other web friends that maybe I could make a real homepage.

I'm still leaving the boat info just cause it is a neat boat. We are selling it because we have bought a different one. It is really neat. It is older than ours, It is a 24' Taylor V-drive Daycruiser custon made in California.It is the color of the E-mail gif Not as much pink!


Eliminator V-Drive Daycruiser

Click on the lighthouse for a picture of this boat at our property on the beautiful Coeur d Alene River.


New upholstery, carpet, clearcoat.Equipped with stereo, depth finder,hot & cold shower,spare prop & cover.

Click on lighthouse to see the boat on the trailer.

Competitive trailer w/surge brakes.



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