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Improved Familiar Feats

Improved Familiar (Arcane Familiar): this feat requires the familiar class ability, spellcaster level 6+ and familiar INT/CHA 10+. Your familiar gains the ability to cast arcane spells. Your familiar casts arcane spells as you do, if you cast arcane spells as both a wizard and sorcerer, choose which method your familiar will cast. Your familiar casts spells as a caster of 1/3 your caster level (rounded down). Your familiar can only take spells known from your list of spells known, or can only learn spells from your list of spells learned. Your familiar shares your spellbook if he casts spells as a wizard. For all caster types, your familiar shares your spell components, and must be within 1 mile of you to do so. If a spell requires an XP loss, you lose the XP, not the familiar.

Improved Familiar (Imbue Spell): this feat requires the familiar class ability and the familiar must possess the Familiar Arcana enhancement. You can imbue any spell you can cast onto your familiar. Only one spell can be imbued at any time in this way. Your familiar cannot deliver touch spells for you until it discharges this imbued spell, if it tries, the imbued spell is lost. Your familiar cannot cast spells itself until it discharges such an imbued spell, or the imbued spell is lost. The imbued spell remains on your familiar until it is discharged, lost, or when your familiar dies. Until the imbued spell is discharged or lost, you cannot recover that spell slot. Your familiar can release this imbued spell at any time using the casting time of the spell as the time required for him to release it. The range, caster level, effect and such are as if you cast the spell. You do not control the target or range of the spell, your familiar makes these choices when the spell is released. Your familiar must be in range of the spell you wish to imbue for you to successfully imbue it (personal range spells can be imbued by touch), and this requires the standard casting time of the spell to do so. The material cost of the spell is paid at the moment it is imbued.

Improved Familiar (Share Senses): this feat requires the familiar class ability and spellcaster level 6+. You can choose any 1 of the following senses your familiar has and gain access to it as well: low light vision, darkvision 60’, blindsight 120’ (you get only blindsight 5’), sonar 360’ (you get only sonar 30’) or scent. When your familiar is within 5’ of you, you gain full use of this sense as though you possessed it yourself. This feat can be taken multiple times, each time you choose a new sense.

Improved Familiar (Poisonous Familiar): this feat requires the familiar class ability, spellcaster level 6+ and familiar natural attack bite or sting. Your familiar gains the ability to inject poison with its attack form. The poison is a sleep venom, with a DC 10 + 1/2 familiar’s effective HD + familiars CON bonus. Your familiar’s effective HD is equal to your character level. The poison causes the target to sleep (cannot be awakened normally) for 1 minute at which point another save is made, failure means the target sleeps 2d4 hours more.

Improved Familiar (Familiar Advancement): this feat requires the familiar class ability and spellcaster level 6+. Your familiar gains in power, he gains a +2 INT/CHA bonus (as if you chose the +1 INT/CHA enhancement option two times) and 2 bonus enhancements in addition to this of your choice (just as if you gained two levels in sorcerer/wizard). This counts as 4 levels of familiar advancement for purposes of reaching Epic Familiar status, however you cannot have greater than 20 total levels of familiar enhancement with this feat. This feats can be taken multiple times, its effects stack.