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Hit Die: d8


Class Skills: The bladesinger's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Concentration (CON), Craft (INT), Diplomacy (CHA), Escape Artist (DEX), Hide (DEX), Intimidate (CHA), Jump (STR), Listen (WIS), Move Silently (DEX), Perform (CHA), Spellcraft (INT), Spot (WIS), Swim (STR) and Tumble (DEX)

Skill Points: 4 + INT bonus each level

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A bladesinger is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with all forms of armor and all shields.

Table: The Bladesinger

Base Attack Bonus
Fortitude Save
Reflex Save
Will Save
Bladesong: Spellmastery
Arcane Blade +1
Blade Sense
Arcane Blade +2
Bladesong: Spellblade
Arcane Blade +3
Blade Craft
Arcane Blade +4
Bladesong: Blademastery
Arcane Blade +5

Class Features

Bladesong: Starting at 1st level, the bladesinger gains the bladesong fighting style. The bladesinger can use any melee weapon(s) with which he has Weapon Focus with this style, although most choose bladed weapons.

The first ability gained at level 1 is Spellmastery. This allows the bladesinger to cast a spell with a casting time of 1 action and still make melee attacks. This ability can only be used with melee attacks, not ranged attacks. This requires a Full Round Action to perform. To use this ability, the bladesinger must keep his offhand empty for the entire action if the spell requires somatic or material components. The spell cast acts as the first attack in the bladesinger's iterative attack sequence, and after that spell, the bladesinger can make the rest of the melee attacks he would be entitled to normally, with the usual reduction by 5 in to hit bonus for each successive attack. For example, if a bladesinger with a base attack of +12 uses this ability, he could cast a spell, then still make 2 more melee attacks at +7 and +2 base attack. The spell replaces his +12 base attack strike and therefore he still is allowed to make the remaining 2 lesser attacks at +7 and +2. In effect, he gives up his first and best attack to cast a spell, but still gets the rest of his progressively lesser attacks after this.

At level 5 the bladesong gives the bladesinger Spellblade. The bladesinger gains the ability to channel arcane energy through his melee weapon. The bladesinger can deliver touch spells through his weapon, treat a successful attack by the weapon as also delivering the touch spell on the target. The bladesinger can also imbue any melee weapon he can use with his bladesong style to hold up to his class level in spell levels of spells he can cast into it. The bladesinger cannot have more spells than this stored at any time, but as he uses them, he can store new ones up to this limit. The spell must be a touch, ray, target or area of effect spell, no personal range spells are permitted with this ability. Touch, ray or target spells cast into a weapon in this fashion affect only a single target, even if it could effect multiple targets under normal use. When the bladesinger strikes a foe in combat, he can choose to release any of these stored spells, as a free action, but no more than 1 can be released in this way per round. The spells remain stored until used, and only the bladesinger can use them. While stored, the bladesinger cannot regain the slot/use of these spells until the spell is released. Imbuing a spell into the weapon is a standard action.

At level 9, the bladesong gives the Blademastery ability. The bladesinger can count his bladesinger class levels as fighter levels for the purpose of qualifying for feats requiring fighter levels, like Weapon Specialization. But this only applies to feats he takes with weapons he can use his bladesong style with. Furthermore, he has become such a master of the bladesong, he gains the benefit of all feats he has with any one of his weapons with which he has Weapon Focus, with all other weapons he takes Weapon Focus with, provided they would qualify for the feats. Thus he need only take feats like Weapon Specialization, Weapon Mastery, Weapon Grandmastery, Improved Critical, Weapon Finesse, and the like, which only apply to 1 weapon, once, and they apply to all weapons with which he has Weapon Focus. Of course the weapon must qualify for the feat to gain its benefits, so Weapon Finesse would not apply to a greatsword in this way, for example, because it does not qualify for Weapon Finesse.

Arcane Blade: Starting at 2nd level, and increasing every other level thereafter, the bladesinger has the supernatural ability to enchant any, melee weapon, as long as he holds it, with which he can use his bladesong style. He may use this with either a masterwork weapon or an already enchanted weapon. He may imbue the weapon with the listed enchantment bonus, applying it as either an enhancement bonus (+1 to +5 to hit and damage), a special enchantment type (like flaming, keen, vorpal, etc.) or some combination of both. If the weapon is not already enchanted, the bladesinger must spend +1 of his Arcane Blade bonus to make it a +1 weapon, before he can use any other of his Arcane Blade bonuses on special enchantments. If the enhancement the bladesinger would impart to an already magic weapon would cause it to exceed the +10 limit for magic weapons, the bladesinger must choose to suppress either some of the weapon’s existing powers or some of those he imparts to keep the total enhancement no greater than +10 (as epic level weapons are allowed, this limit can be increased by the DM). The bladesinger can change the existing configuration of his Arcane Blade bonus as a Standard Action. Finally, the bladesinger can impart this bonus to multiple weapons he holds, as long as all are melee weapons in which he has Weapon Focus. He can divide the Arcane Blade bonus among weapons he holds in any way he desires following the above rules for each weapon.

Blade Sense: The bladesinger has become very familiar with those melee weapons with which he has Weapon Focus. He can identify their quality (i.e. masterwork) and all magical enchantments/spells on them by touch. This is a spell-like ability.

Blade Craft: The bladesinger can craft magical weapons with his Craft (Weaponsmithing) skill of the type with which he has the Weapon Focus feat. He is treated as if he possessed the Craft Magical Arms and Armor feat, but only for purposes of creating weapons of the type he has Weapon Focus with. His effective spellcaster level for purpose of using this ability is equal to the number of ranks he has in his Craft (Weaponsmithing) skill.