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Our Thaughts On Lance

As we look at Lance, time after time, there are a few things that keep running through our are a few of them.

~^~Why does it seem that Lance is the one who is always picked on, and has to wear the clothes that the other boys dont want? Don't belive us..want proof? Well, here ya go...
In the Tearin' up my heart video, at the first JC and Joey are looking at clothes, JC holds shirt up, to see how it looks, Joey gives it the thumbs down and sticks out his tounge..but later in the video, you see Lance wearing the shirt this makes me wonder "how can the shirt not be good enough for JC, but OK for Lance?"

~^~What is up with the "I'm from Mississippi" thing? It makes me wonder if I went around and said, "Oh, sorry I'm late for work, it's just because I'm from Utah" would my boss, look at me, say "that is the cutest excuse I have ever heard" because that is sure what I think every time I hear him say it..maybe you have to have a sexy bass voice to get away with it..and if tht is the case..I'm shit out of luck.

~^~Why is Lance's voice so under used in the band? Every time he has a solo, it's about 15 seconds, and it seems we only get one or two per album. He has the best voice, it just makes the girls swoon, but maybe that is the problem, JC and Justy would feel very sad if they didn't get the most love, so Lance is such a sweet guy, that he just lets them have the spotlight... all the time knowing he is the best.

~^~How can one guy be so really, I don't think I have ever laid eyes on a boy that is so perfect. The one and only flaw is that he seems to like stuck up, horrible girls.
