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ladyfeline's home

     Hi!! and welcome to my page. I am glad you dropped in and I hope you find something of interest here.

     My page is always under construction, so please stop by often.

     If there is ever anything that I can help you with, please do not hesitate to mail me here.

If you are interested in saving any of my pages to your favorites, please bookmark this page. This is because sometimes I discover a new way of making graphics and don't always remember to place an update regarding new versions on the original version page. :)

My Awards

Tired of missing calls while you are surfing, or worse yet, getting disconnected while surfing? lol. Click here to get an Internet Answering Machine...FREE!!!

ladyfeline's Color Chart  NEW
Here you will find all 216 "Browser Safe" Colors. I have also included a background color changer so you can see how the colors look against different background colors.

Triple Backgrounds  NEW
Here you will learn how to do "Triple Backgrounds". Take a look to see what I mean.

Make Your Own Corner Backgrounds  NEW
I have written this tutorial so that you can make your own email backgrounds fast and easy.

ladyfeline's Custom Backgrounds   NEW
Here are some of the backgrounds that I have made using Image Magick. I hope you will find something that you like here.

These are backgrounds that I have designed especially for WebTV Email. These backgrounds have an image at the top right corner. Take a look to see what I mean.

ladyfeline's Graphics Tricks
Look here to find some of the "sneaky" little-known tricks you can do with your images.

My Buttons  
Here are some graphics buttons that I have made. Take a look, but please remember that this page is still under heavy construction.

lady's Tips & Tricks
Short-cuts, copy, cut, & paste tutorial, etc...

Your own personalized background
Whoa!!! Making your very own personalized backgrounds just got easier. Check out my new tutorial on making personalized backgrounds.

Your own personalized background
Learn how to make some great backgrounds here. Yes, even on Webtv.

ladyfeline's Lines
Graphics lines that I have collected. I hope you will enjoy them.

ladyfeline's Links
My OLD links. web tools, cards, friends pages, etc...

ladyfeline's Images Gallery
Images of all kinds. Will be adding more soon.

The How2Chat Awards
Awards were held in How2Chat on April 14, 1999. Congratulations!!!! Winners

     Well, those are all of the pages that I have written so far. I would like to thank you for visiting my page. Please sign my guestbook if you enjoyed any of my pages. Oh, if you would like to see what I look like, here is MY PIC

     Below are links to some of my favorite pages. Hope you enjoy these as well.

Take Care --- lady :)

This is my favorite midi site. 100's of great midis. You will find a wide variety of songs on this page.

Now this is a site that is definitely a 'MUST SEE'!!...You will find a terrific greeting card for every occasion plus lots of other great things to see.

Jazzieyy has a whole bunch of great stuff on her site. She is an awsome person too! Check out her page for great links on just about everything. She also has one terrific recipe page.

PitBull's Dog House
A really great page that you need to check out. There are Ozzy links, Bruce and Brandon Lee links, and a whole bunch of other great stuff!!

Alice's Attic
If you are an Alice Cooper fan,
you want to see this.

The Art Bell Website
Paranormal & UFO's

Easiest Free Home Pages

The Best Communications Guide on the Web

Matt's Script Archive
Awesome Web Server Scripts

Here is a terrific site that you really don't want to miss!!!! Everything you would possibly need for WebTV and more...

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